Part 23: Luz and the Dream Spell

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"Why didn't we think of this sooner?!" exclaimed Luz excitedly while gathering the ingredients.

Eda goes through her cabinets searching for something. "Casting a dream spell through the scrying potion Lily made and reaching out to that other human, even when she's deep asleep? Hot dang, it's brilliant!"

Amity asks, "But will it work? This Dawn is in a cursed sleep, right?"

The spell required a vast amount of magic and with Eda being powerless she couldn't do it herself. So Luz called Amity, Gus and Willow to help and told them about Dawn and Silbi.

"It still sounds strange," said Willow, who help set up the area. "How could a kid make a portal and place curses like that?"

Gus declares, "We must investigate this and find out the truth!"

"Thanks for coming over, guys," said Luz. "This really means a lot to us."

"Anytime, Luz," said Amity, who smiles with a faint blush.

"Aw, I knew I could rely on you, awesome girlfriend and besties," said Luz and smiled back brightly while she and Amity blushes more. "Now, let's get this scrying potion bubblin'!"

Eda finds the bottle with the scrying potion and dumps it into the cauldron. Luz uses her fire glyph to start the flames and goes to set up the new ingredients for the dream spell. Gus and Willow set up the couch and area while Luz and Amity work on the dream spell in another bowl.

"Alright, kids," said Eda. "First, we need a visual location of where this human is."

"On it, chief!" said Luz and turns to the cauldron. "Show us the Emperor's Coven."

Eda comments, "You don't have to talk to it."

Luz smiles, "But it feels more authentic. Oh! Look! We're getting a visual!"

The scrying potion shows everyone the inside of the Emperor's Coven as it zooms through the rooms. It then stops at a room and shows the sleeping human Luz saw many months ago.

Luz exclaims, "That's her!"

King joins in. "That's Dawn? She doesn't look like a prisoner."

"She's probably in her cursed sleep now," said Luz.

Amity examines Dawn's area and said, "But the room is different. Didn't you say she was in a healing chamber?"

"Wait," said Willow. "Something's moving."

Silbi plays with her gator and monster doll and makes cute little noises.

"Awww!!! Baby witch!!!" squealed Luz.

"Focus, Luz!" said Eda and snaps her fingers in front of Luz's face. "That must be the kid. The one who supposedly made the portal and brought Dawn here."

Gus asks, "How can someone so tiny and adorable have that kind of power?"

Luz focuses and replies, "Who knows? But if I can get Dawn to leave the Emperor's Coven then maybe I can tell her to bring the little baby witch, too."

"Alright," said Eda. "Now go to sleep."

"Rodger!" reported Luz and lays down on the couch.

Amit, Willow, and Gus sit between Luz and the scrying potion while Eda explains the spell to them. "Y'all are gonna put Luz to sleep, along with casting the dream spell while focusing it all on the image in the scrying potion. You guys are the wire that connects Luz to Dawn. You have to keep Luz and the other person connected until they wake up naturally. Luz, you ready?"

An Owl House Fanfiction (Emperor Belos x Oc)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя