Fleur La Fois Part 1

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A/N: The following chapter is a teaser for the sequel to Fleur De Lis. Please see AN at the end of the chapter.

Chapter 1

July 1944

Desperation. It was the only emotion she could feel as her legs attempted to propel her forward. Running faster than she ever had before, she prayed she would see the sunrise again. If she could not cross this field before the attack began she knew her chances of survival were infinitesimal. Gripping her wand as tight her hands would allow, she felt her heart thudding against her chest. She had to make it. Flashes of different colored lights indicated to her the start of magical warfare, and she could not leave her husband to face it alone.


Fleur was thrown off her feet as the bomb struck well over a 100 meters away. Despite the distance from the impact, the force of the muggle weapon was immense. Thumping against the grassy hillside her body felt like a ragdoll as she wheezed for breath, the air was knocked out of her lungs. Each breath was excruciating as she felt her ribs may have splintered upon impact and the smoke in the air entered her lungs.as she struggled to find oxygen.

Using her wand she cast several numbing charms on herself as she tried to get back to her feet. Between lack of oxygen, her ringing ears, and her muscles shaking from the pain it felt beyond impossible. With her wand in hand her eyes scanned the dark praying for salvation to come in the form of her husband. Instead of her husband the whistling of another bomb dropping nearby caused her eyes to shoot to the sky. In a panic she managed to summon a shield that absorbed the indirect impact of the explosive, yet still she was sent rolling backwards several meters as she tumbled down a hill.

Laying on her back she groaned in pain as warfare echoed in her still ringing ears. Struggling back to her feet, she spit blood that was pooling in her mouth. Fleur wasn't sure when that had happened, but the pain from her swelling tongue seemed to indicate that she had possibly bitten herself. Even with the sight of her blood and the pain in her mouth it hardly compared to the jelly her body had been turned into from the blast that had knocked her down. The only thing that allowed her to begin stumbling forward again was the desperation of escaping Death who was now seemingly breathing down her neck.

The wards around the area were too strong for her to breach. She had been observing them for days, and had seen what they were capable of withstanding. Even at full strength the wards around this no man's land would've taken her hours to decipher and that was only if she were in uninterrupted peace. Hope felt lost as she began running in the direction of where she thought her husband may be fighting for his life. Spellfire in the distance and bombs hitting the hills were the only source of light she had to guide her.

Why had she wished for this? Why had she not been content with her quiet life? She had a healthy baby girl, a husband who loved her, and a family that would've moved mountains to keep her safe, yet she allowed herself to fall deeper and deeper into this dangerous situation. For what? The thrill? No thrill was worth this.

She had to make it back. She had to get to Harry. Her daughter would need her father. Fleur would need her husband. The sound of another bomb came, but this time she tracked it better, and with a flash of her wand the device turned into a raven that took off into the sky. Another came and she sent a concussive force from her wand knocking it a long way off her current course. Gun fire erupted across the area, but she kept her eyes on the sky waiting for another bomb to fall.

Suddenly she felt magical saturation coat the area and a pop rang across the battlefield as a lone man stood in front of her making her come to an abrupt halt. Staring at the large man with familiar features, a lump formed in her throat. He looked like her husband in many ways. The build, the hair, the facial structures, but the one way Fleur knew it was not her husband was the hate that reflected in the shadows of his eyes. Charlus Potter had arrived, and she knew her life was forfeit.

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