Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

The remainder of the afternoon was very much a celebration. Harry's family had rented out a large private room at the three broomsticks where the Delacours, Potters, and friends could join. Harry had also invited Susan, his school friends, and the other champions along with their families if they wished to join. Of them, only Aimee and her family accepted the invitation.

It was a nice celebration among family, friends, and new allies, and the atmosphere remained light as people pestered Harry with questions of how he performed his feat of magic, and how he even came up with the idea. In the end it was this day that they finally realized just how special a wizard Harry was. Not even Dumbledore had completed such impressive magic at such a young age. Harry took it all in stride trying not to let it get to his ego, but even he knew he had done something that was thought of as impossible. To separate such a large body of water didn't only take an immense amount of power, but also an inordinate amount of control.

Harry kept Fleur at his side all evening, and was seen continuously holding her hand which led to some good natured ribbing from Herbert and Cedric who had of course come to celebrate. When the time came to return to the castle it was just the Potters and the Delacours. Of course, Grindelwald and Anita were still sipping their drinks watching their family celebrate with fond smiles, and when Sebastian Delacour put an arm around Harry's shoulders the conversations around the room lowered to hear the two men speak, "Harry, your magical abilities astounded many today, and it has been a fine evening of celebration. Now, however, we must discuss the thing we last spoke of on New Year's morning."

Fleur, who had been standing next to Harry, rolled her eyes, "Really, papa?"

James, who had been watching the interaction unfold, approached the two with a knowing smile, "Sebastian, are you over here harassing my son?"

The man protested, "Of course not, James! However, my daughter is a beautiful woman from an esteemed line in France. I merely wish to know your son's intentions, and I gave him time to ponder them over the last few months. They were a shining star together at the Yule Ball, and made another lovely couple at our home on New Year's."

"Yes, we heard you and Harry might have had a disagreement." Sirius said with a grin.

This made Sebastian laugh, "Not at all. A friendly exhibition match where he threatened to drop a tidal wave on me. I had little doubt he would attempt something similar today when I learned of the task. This young man has earned my respect in a duel, but also my undying gratitude for what he did for my daughters on the night of the World Cup. Any honorable intentions towards my daughter would have my approval."

Fleur grinned at Harry while they were all bantering, "Are your intentions truly honorable, monsieur Potter?"

"Not even a little, madam. I would have figured you knew that after New Year's." The young man returned quietly into her ear.

This made the girl blush a little, and Harry jumped back into the conversation, "Well your daughter hasn't driven me crazy just yet. I have enjoyed my fellow champion's company a lot in the past few months, and I think I can honestly say my intentions are sincere. There is no limit to what we could accomplish together, and I think our families moving our alliance a step further would be a blessing. Your daughter is a magical talent that I have immensely enjoyed working with. With my head of house's permission, I think at the end of the school year we can begin a formal courtship - with your permission as well of course?"

James nodded proudly, "Of course he has my permission. Not that he really needed it. I am not sure if you have figured it out yet, but my son largely does exactly what he wants to do."

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