Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The weighing of the wand ceremony swept over Hogwarts with little interest. Only the champions, judges, and a few members of the press would be allowed to attend, but still some speculated about what kind of wands the champion used, and if there was anything interesting in the group.

Harry and his brother walked into the atrium of the trophy hall where a photographer was already set up, and Ollivander was chatting with Dumbledore and generally ignoring the other judges as the two caught up as old friends.

Harry motioned for his brother to follow him over to a corner to avoid Rita Skeeter who had eyed the boys immediately upon their arrival. Looking around, he could see most were in attendance already, though Fleur and Aimee had not yet arrived. Headmistress Maxime was speaking quietly with Igor Karakaroff, and Harry had to wonder what the dynamic was between the two. He knew Madame Maxime only by reputation, but she did not seem like the type that would have befriended a former Death Eater.

Crouch and Bagman kept stealing glances at the Potter boys, and Moody who was also present was sitting in the corner opposite to them observing the room with a critical eye. When Aimee and Fleur arrived he was surprised to see that they were accompanied by James Potter, and the girls laughed at something he said. Harry looked suspicious as the girls looked over to him and giggled, and his father wore a wicked smirk as he winked at his son.

Harry wanted to question the man on why he came in with the two French girls, but upon their arrival, Dumbledore and Ollivander stopped chatting and the Hogwarts Headmaster addressed the room, "We will conduct this official ceremony with great haste, as I am sure the champions would like to get back to their studies. For those who don't know him already, this is Garrick Ollivander, the premier wandmaker in Britain."

The man bowed his head slowly to the gathered group, and Dumbledore continued, "The rules of the tournament are clear. Any wands that are intended to be used throughout any portion of this tournament must be inspected today. If you are caught using an unregistered wand you could face disqualification and subsequently risk breaching the Goblet of Fire's magical contract. Am I clear?"

The man's tone shifted to indicate that everyone must give some sort of acknowledgement of the rule in order to prove that they understood their severity. A series of nods indicated that the ceremony could begin, and Mr Ollivander turned to Fleur, "Ladies first?"

The girl nodded her head sharply, and the man took her wand gently, smiling immediately, "Oh my. A veela hair for the core, and one of relation to you as well I have little doubt?"

The girl nodded with a slight smile, "A hair from my grandmother."

"Splendid. That makes this a powerful companion to you, and even more difficult for someone else to attempt to use your wand. I detected rosewood, and it is 9 ½ inches long. The wand is in perfect condition. Thank you Ms Delacour."

The girl beamed, looking pleased with herself. Mr Ollivander looked to Aimee next and motioned for her to step forward and she offered the wand to the man, "Acacia. Hmm, and a delicate balance with Hippogriff heartstring as the core. It is a very gentle combination, and well-suited to light magic. Have you ever attempted to learn the Patronus Charm with it?"

She smiled at the man and took her wand back, casting the spell silently with a smooth swish. The end erupted into an ethereal butterfly that flew around the room protectively, and Harry had to admit that he was impressed. It was certainly nowhere near as powerful as his brother's stag, but it was still a beautiful piece of magic that the members of the press clapped for, "Stunning, just like you, Ms Beaucart. This wand is an incredible match for you. 9 inches even, and I deem this wand in excellent condition. I would recognize the famous Violetta Beauvais wand making anywhere, and it is excellent."

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