Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Two months passed in the blink of an eye for the Potter brothers. Their training had been relentless, and Harry was coming along nicely in his classes and his final prep for the inventions he wanted to sell to Gringotts. He had completed his rune set for the muggle technology, and merely needed to continue experimenting with it around high concentrations of magic.

It was the day before Halloween at Hogwarts, and Harry and his brother were finishing up their morning training with big smiles on their faces. The bond the two had forged over the past two months through the blood, sweat, and tears (mostly from Justin), had really brought the two closer together. He knew his parents would be thrilled about the closeness of the boys, and Harry couldn't help but be bitter that it took this many years for their relationship to blossom.

Justin had sworn up and down that Harry was likely one of the most powerful magic users he had ever met. Even after traveling the world to meet different teachers, and take different courses, Justin said he never felt so in tune with his magic than he did now.

As the two were returning to the castle Justin asked, "So have you changed your mind about the tournament, Harry?"

Shaking his head at his little brother, "No. I have told you at least a million times I have no interest in competing in the damn thing. It's going to get me killed, and I have far too many things to do before that happens."

"If you can't do it, Harry, then none of these other champions stand a chance." Justin said in defense of the man's skill.

"Accidents happen, Justin, and I am not infallible. Just imagine that I am fighting a dangerous magical creature? I slip on complete accident because I lost my footing, and then 'bye bye, Harry.'" The boy said, cringing at the thought of such a stupid thing getting him killed.

"What about the dueling and Quidditch tournaments?" The boy asked.

Harry shrugged, "I have proven myself to the world by taking down Pettigrew and then the Death Eaters at the Quidditch World Cup that I am capable. I don't need to prove it to some school kids. If Hooch makes me captain of the Quidditch or dueling teams I would not reject it, but otherwise I think I will turn it down."

"But Harry, you could give Krum a run for his money. The best seeker in the world. You are easily the best seeker I have ever played with, and I have played and trained with professionals growing up. Your natural talent and instinct is too good. You would have a great chance against him, and the match would be legendary!" Justin said excitedly, but was already preparing to make his case to Madame Hooch about making Harry the Quidditch team captain.

"I don't know, Justin, he is pretty good. They call him the best in the world for a reason. Plus I have too many projects I want to work on right now." Harry explained.

"You have the rest of your life, Harry! This is your last year at Hogwarts and something extraordinary is happening." The two boys were approaching the great entrance hall, and were preparing to go separate ways while Justin sighed, "At least think about it! I think you would be great."

The older brother merely smiled at his young companion, "Alright, Justin, I will think about it. Now go upstairs and get changed, I will see you tonight at the greeting ceremony, and then the feast."

The boys bumped knuckles and went their separate ways from there. As Harry walked through the school most people cowered out of his way. While the boy was certainly more approachable and friendly this year then he had in the past, his reputation still preceded him, and he liked it that way. Even the most powerful Slytherin and Gryffindor students didn't dare cross him, and he definitely wanted to keep it that way.

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