Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

He heard the screaming before he realized what was happening. He had begun jogging to an area nearby when he heard the spell fire. This made his jog turn to a full fledged run when he heard his brother shouting spells, and it turned to a sprint when he heard the agonizing cries for help.

Peter Pettigrew. The man that gave up his family to Voldemort. The man that turned on his father and the other Marauders was standing with a gleeful look pointing his wand at his brother with clear intent to finish what he started in Godric's Hollow all those years ago. Snapping something inside of the young man he roared out, summoning his wand to his hand and flinging spells faster than he had ever dreamt of. Spells of all different colors, shapes, and sizes were pouring from his wand. The very world around him was being transfigured and attacking the rat animagus as the man screamed in surprise. The duel had begun when Pettigrew tried to slip a killing curse into the Potter heir's defenses, but Harry easily dodged it, and continued his non-stop assault. The duel would last less than a minute when Harry stood over the man who was now begging for his life.

"Are you okay, Justin?" Harry asked not taking his eyes off the man.

"Help me, Harry..." The boy called back weakly.

The young man looked at the pathetic creature before him who hadn't stopped begging for his life since he lost his wand. He couldn't risk losing Pettigrew, but he had to help his brother. This was the man that stole his childhood from him. The reason the Dark Lord was able to get into his home and mark his little brother with the killing curse. This was the reason his parents had neglected him, and why they never had time for him. This man killed his childhood.

Harry choked out, "Why did you do it, Peter? Why did you turn on your family? I know the Marauders loved you...why? Why did you do this to us?"

"Harry, please. You have no idea what he's like. You have no idea what his power is like. Please don't kill me."

Harry grunted, "You cost me everything. A normal life. A loving childhood. You cost me all of it, and you expect mercy?"

This made the man cry out in despair, and Harry's eyes flitted back to Justin who was on the ground still shaking very badly. No signs of Ron or Hermione, who Harry knew must be around somewhere, but he didn't have time to dwell on this as he felt the body below him hit him in his waist hard. The larger fat man rolled with Harry as they struggled down a hill attempting to gain dominance, but Harry wandlessly banished the man, and jumped to his feet. Pettigrew now had a knife in his hand as he attempted to do the same and possibly throw the knife, but Harry roared out, "Avada Kedavra!"

The green light struck the man so fast it sent him reeling backwards making the man land on his back, eyes stuck in the sky lifeless and cold.

Harry shot up from his bed in a cold sweat crying out in surprise and remorse. He felt his wand fly to his hand on instinct, but as he looked around, he realized he was reliving the same dream he had many times before. It was one of the worst days of his life, but it had some of the greatest repercussions he could have imagined.

As he rolled out of bed he flexed his shoulders and began waving his hands around summoning things to him, and grabbing levitated clothes out of his drawers. Looking back on it he remembered himself differently. Colder to everyone, very few friends in the world besides maybe Padfoot and Moony. Things had certainly changed. When he had gotten on the Hogwarts Express that year, he thought he only had to endure one more summer with his parent's and then he would be able to go off on his own and start a new life. He had even considered renouncing his title on the Potter name and asking Sirius to let him be a Black. It was after all Sirius who cared for him most of his life. His parents were too busy trying to prepare Justin for his doomsday prophecy.

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