Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Arriving just inside the wards of the graveyard Harry, Dumbledore, and Grindelwald were treated with a spectacular site. Justin was unleashing magical hell upon Voldemort himself. His speed was something to behold, but the look on the young Potter's face told Harry that it was a final move of desperation. The destruction around him was an indication of just how much defense the young man had needed to use. Before Harry could go forward to intervene, Dumbledore put a hand on his shoulder, "We need a plan of attack, Harry."

In the time that the young man's eyes shifted to the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Voldemort had slipped past Justin's defenses and was now holding the boy in the air with some sort of magical choke. Harry's heart felt as if it had been gripped by fear, and he growled out, "I have a plan. Attack."

The magic of the young sorcerer seemed to sing as the Elder Wand pulsed with power, and he disappeared with the slightest twist. A blasting curse had left his wand before Voldemort could even flinch at the young man's arrival, "Get away from my brother."

Having been thrown backwards through the air Voldemort crashed into the ground hard, but before Harry could curse him again, the man was back on his feet with a look of rage on his face. Dumbledore and Gellert however had apparated to each side of Harry, wands drawn in the defense of Justin Potter. Harry spoke softly over his shoulder, never taking his eyes off of the Dark Lord, "Stay behind me no matter what. You are safe now."

Voldemort growled out, "A foolish sentiment if you truly believe that, Potter."

Harry glanced back and forth to the older wizards at his side, "Standing before you, Tom, are the three greatest wizards of the century. Don't worry, you will make the top five if we expand the list."

Voldemort snarled at the young man's words, but Harry didn't stop there as he addressed the Death Eaters shifting nervously, "You should all run. Maybe live a little longer. This is over."

A maniacal grin slowly began to spread across the face of the pale-faced Dark Lord, "Oh my dear, Harry Potter, you have no idea the lengths I have gone to escape death. No idea what preparations I have taken to face off against the combined might of the 'three most powerful wizards of the century'."

Voldemort repeated the young man's words back mockingly, but Harry did not understand why the man was deluding himself into thinking he was going to best the three of them with only a handful of followers. Before he could retort, however, five of the Death Eaters began to stride to the Dark Lord's side, and Harry was instantly wary of them. They each possessed the same red eyes as their master. He recognized Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange instantly, and knew even if Bellatrix had escaped Azkaban recently, she could still be quite the threat. The other three Harry pegged as inner circle members, but they were irrelevant to him.

Grindelwald stepped to stand directly next to his apprentice, "We are beyond all your capabilities. Raise your wands to us, and you will die."

Dumbledore looked like he wanted to contradict the man, but alas sighed and stepped directly beside the duo his wand prepared to strike. Voldemort however raised his wand lazily, "Let us make history then. AVADA KEDAVRA."

Scene Break

It was a beautiful day out on the grounds of Potter Manor. The soft blanket of snow from New Year's Eve covered the area, and the first signs of life on the grounds were the footprints made by the Potter family. Harry led his family through the grounds as Grindelwald was standing with each arm behind his back in the distance. The mentor had given his magical apprentice a moment to prepare his family for what they were about to witness. Gellert had apparated to the fixed point he currently stood in, and his eyes never wavered from his apprentice.

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