Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The murder of Marcus Flint was all anyone talked about at Hogwarts leading up to the Yule Ball. The severity of the situation only increased when the ICW sent hitwizards into the investigation. There being this many foreign citizens in Britain, and signs of the darkness at every turn the confederation decided it was time to step in. They were led by an American by the name of Perseus Chase who had extensively questioned Harry, Penny, Angelina, and Roger as the four had been the ones to come upon the body. It was clear the investigation was going nowhere fast though, and Harry noticed security had been beefed up in the form of Aurors from the ICW.

Justin had grumbled about the git getting what he deserved for nearly beating him to death in his second year, and Harry had a hard time disagreeing with him. When Perseus had asked Harry if Flint had any enemies, he certainly didn't do himself any favors when he named himself, and about twenty other people who would've loved to have had a go at him, or had one in the past with the dead Slytherin. Justin had pushed many questions on Harry in the following days, but the truth was he didn't know much, and his own investigation had led to nothing.

He had written to Grindelwald about what had happened, and that he would like to meet soon, but the man claimed to be traveling and would return just before Yuletide, leaving Harry quite frustrated.

The night of the Ball had come upon Hogwarts like a storm in the blink of an eye. Girls all across the school had been putting hours into their appearances to look as beautiful as possible for their evening in the spotlight, while most of the males in the school probably barely remembered to put on their cologne.

Harry himself was one of those people. He had never cared much for how he looked, and outside of getting into his dress robes, and making sure he smelt nice for Fleur, that was going to be about the extent of what he wanted to do. At his mother's insistence he did use some of his grandfather's famous product to help tame his wild hair a bit, which only left dressing himself with wandless magic.

Rumors had gone around that Fleur had used her allure to draw Harry in, and of course that Harry had used the imperius on Fleur. Depending on which gender was starting the rumor you could find that they fluctuated quite a bit. Harry had tried not to bat an eyelash at any of these rumors, and he hoped after all this time the young woman would not pay any attention to them either.

These thoughts ran through his mind as he made his way to the Beauxbatons carriage. The winter snow blanketed the grounds, and it looked beautiful. The fresh snowfall from earlier in the day left it completely unblemished with the exception of the fresh tracks Harry himself was leaving. He knew it would not do to be late for his date, but he was surprised that no one had journeyed out thus far.

When he arrived at the Beauxbatons carriage he knocked politely, and it was answered by a young man already in his dress robes. He seemed surprised to see anyone, but his comprehension came quickly, "Monsieur Potter. I thought those that were going with people from the other schools were all meeting in the Great Hall. Merde! come in, you are going to freeze to death out there!"

With that the young man stepped aside and allowed Harry entry. Looking around after accepting the invitation, he was surprised at the extent of expansion charms. Of course he knew logically that they must be well beyond anything he had seen before, but what the French founders had done with this carriage was a magical masterpiece. In the entrance alone vaulted ceilings with stunning blue banners, and a very expensive chandelier hung high.

Harry's eyes drifted across the room recognizing portraits of famous French alumni, and possibly even headmasters and headmistresses of Beauxbatons. The young man sighed, "You are the first from outside our school to actually venture into our carriage. It's not that it was forbidden, but no one had even attempted."

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