Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Christmas had been an extravagant affair in the Potter household. Great gifts were given, and Harry had finally introduced his family to Tech-9. The dog had been built through charms, runes, and arithmancy the world had seldom ever seen. Needless to say his mother was over the moon, and the Marauders were already scheming of ways to use him for pranking.

When the gifts were done though, and the family was reminiscing, Harry stood to address them, "I know there have been a lot of questions as to where I received my training the last month or so. Tonight if the family will accept it I will invite my mentor to dinner. He is aware of a possible standing invitation, and only awaits my call. I have a condition though."

Lily Potter frowned as the other Marauders exchanged looks, "What kind of condition?"

Harry sighed, offering his mother a smile, "Even after tonight the secret must live on to the rest of the world for now. I cannot risk this information leaking out before the right time, and until then I will need a vow of secrecy. No one is to tell anyone outside this room in any way who this man is, nor will you attempt to harm him while he is under guest rights in our home."

James shook his head, "I can't make a promise like that. I took an oath as an auror. If this man you have consorted with is dangerous then I would not be able to keep my vow."

Harry nodded in understanding, "I understand. He understands as well. We hold no slight, and I just won't invite him."

Sirius however immediately protested, "Now wait a second, Harry, don't you think this is all a little extreme?"

"No. This secret is going to rock the magical world when it comes to light. You all have claimed to have trusted me, and now it is time to put that to the test. I would not bring a man who would harm my family into our home. If you really trusted me you would greet this man with open arms and acceptance after all he has done for me." Harry insisted stubbornly.

The family was in silence, and Justin broke after only a moment, "He's right. You all said you trust him. Put it to the test. You all spent years focused on me, and lost sight of your oldest son, and someone else stepped up and made him into who he was. You all dug your graves, now lie in them, and support Harry no matter what. I do."

Harry was moved by his brother's words and his parents exchanged looks. Finally James sighed, "I have a feeling I am going to regret this. You have the wording of the oath?"

Feeling butterflies in his stomach the green eyed young man nodded and said, "I, Harry James Potter, swear to keep the identity of Harry Potter's Master of the Magical arts a secret until he deems it necessary."

Lily frowned, "That wording is very particular. If you choose never to reveal the secret then we will be stuck in our oaths."

"So you will." Harry agreed.

Justin took the oath immediately. A long pause before any of the adults spoke, but Sirius took the first leap. Followed by Remus, and both the Potter parents. When they were done Harry whirled his wand around, "Expecto Patronum."

A replica of the Ravenclaw mascot appeared, and he merely said, "The oaths have been made. Join us for dinner, my master."

With the words said the Raven took off. Harry turned to his father, "Lower the wards. He knows the location of our home."

James frowned as he closed his eyes in focus, and the wards were brought down momentarily. Another long silence followed until Lily said, "Well if we are going to be having a formal guest for dinner let's move to the foyer. Pipsy will have the food ready shortly, and I am sure she can have some wine prepared for the arrival."

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