Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

After dinner the dancing resumed, and Harry took his time to dance with his date thoroughly and even ended up dancing with his other two friends, Heidi and Penny, making the night quite relaxing. Harry should have known however that as soon as his guard was down things would begin to go wrong.

It started with Madame Bones approaching him as the night was beginning to wind down, "Good evening Mr. Potter. I was just getting ready to return to my home, but I cannot seem to locate your brother or Susan. Do you know where they might have gone off to?"

Harry had been sitting around chatting with his friends, his date at his side as they were all done dancing for the night, and just enjoying the atmosphere and conversation when he turned to face the woman. Surely his brother hadn't been so stupid to sneak the girl away into a broom closet while the head of the DLME, his dads boss, her aunt, was here, "I have not seen them in the past hour, Madame Bones. Though if you would like some assistance looking for them I could easily assist you."

Everyone looked at Harry in surprise; it was unlike the boy to offer help on anything for free. Even Madame Bones seemed surprised by his willing offer. Secretly Harry was worried his brother's hormones had gotten the better of him, and did not want to see him get murdered by Madame Bones, "If you could, Mr Potter. I would like to be going home."

Harry nodded, pulling out his wand and making a small circle, "Revelio."

The charm to reveal all the tracker charms he had on his brother from practice had been activated. Harry alone could see a small blue line appear in his vision, and he turned to Fleur, "I will be right back. I am going to grab my brother, and make sure everything goes smoothly."

He winked at his date, kissed her hand gently, then asked Madame Bones to follow him. The two left the great hall in an instant and the women immediately began questioning him, "Do I want to know why you have such a powerful tracking charm on your little brother? Or do I want to know if he even knows of such things."

Not even giving the women a look he kept his eyes on the faint blue line that was leading him to his brother, "He does know, and if Susan was nearly murdered in the castle on multiple occasions wouldn't you have put tracking charms on her as well?"

"It's not your job to keep your brother safe. It is the job of the-"

"If you say Auror Department or Headmasters office I will laugh at you Madame Bones, so I wouldn't even bother finishing that sentence." The boy said coldly.

The woman bit back her distaste at the boy's disrespect as he surged forward a bit faster, clearly done with pleasant conversation. Shouting was heard up ahead, and when Harry saw just who was doing the shouting his wand was in his hand blasting Igor Karkaroff backwards and away from his little brother who had a wand in his face, "Good evening, High Master. It seems you are about to have a very poor night." Harry said coldly.

Justin immediately said to his brother, "Susan and I were just walking the grounds, we didn't mean to eavesdrop on anyone I swear!"

"I quite frankly don't care if you were or not. There is no reason for this Death Eater to point his wand at you." Harry answered fiercely.

The man quickly stood up outraged with his wand in his hand, "You dare attack me child. I will have you arrested."

"I could just declare a blood feud right here and now. You had your wand pointed at a member of House Potter in a threatening way. I wouldn't mind wiping you off the face of the Earth so don't test me, High Master." Harry said mockingly.

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