Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"This is not funny Harry! I have been hounding you for weeks and nearly had several anxiety attacks just thinking about it. Tell me your plan." Penelope was hounding the boy for what felt like the tenth time that week, but Harry merely groaned at the girl's persistence.

"The task is in an hour, Penny. Just wait and watch like everyone else." The boy said calmly with only a tiny bit of anxiety at the thought of facing his dragon today.

The girl looked like she was going to start screaming at him or cursing him at any moment, but thankfully she did neither, and took his offered arm and followed him onto the grounds. Rumors had definitely been going around about the two for about a month now. When people asked Harry directly however he merely stated that he was raised with pureblood customs, and never allowed a friendly lady to walk by herself, and always offered his company by his arm. This silenced most of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws, but for the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor they were certain there was something between the head girl and the future Dark Lord Potter as some joked.

As the two descended onto the grounds and the whispers went up, the girl said quietly, "I am genuinely worried about you, Harry. This task is dangerous, and people die. What if you slip, what if..."

"Relax, Penny I have a good plan, and I promise everything is going to be okay. At this point I would appreciate it if you were more concerned about my brother. His plan is not nearly as foolproof as mine."

She groaned, "I am worried enough just thinking about you. If I start thinking about your brother I will be sick."

"He isn't that bad."

"HARRY!" She said smacking him hard on the arm, "Please tell me who you went over this plan with.

Shaking his head now at the girls' antics Harry said, "No one except Justin knows my plan. I thought he would get a kick out of it so I told him what my plan was."

Penny stopped and stared at him with a clearly dumbstruck look. Things Harry found amusing were not usually the slightest bit funny at all to normal people. This made the head girl even more nervous than before, "I am going to be sick I think. You told me you talked with someone magically competent!"

Harry easily took her hand patting it gently forcing a calming charm through her body. The girl immediately eased up and looked at the boy thankfully and the duo continued the walk down the path only to be greeted by Justin, "Harry, you can't go through with this. I was up all night thinking about it, and you simply can't do it. It's too risky. You thought my plan was crazy, but the more I think about yours the crazier it sounds."

Reaching the tent where the other four champions were waiting, Harry freed his arms from Penny and threw his arm around his brother, "You, my brother, need to worry about your own task. Have I ever claimed to do magic I couldn't? I need you to focus on yourself, because if I have to jump in and interfere with your task I doubt the consequences will be good."

Justin swallowed hard, and steeled his nerves over, "Alright, Harry. I trust you, and for what it's worth, the plan you came up with for me is at least fairly safe."

Penny didn't seem to know how to take this, so before Harry entered the tent he brought the girl in for a hug, "It's going to be okay, Penny. Now do something for me. During the task I need you to focus more on the champions than the dragons okay. It is important to me that I see how each of them perform, so that way I can figure out easier ways for our team to beat them in duels. We are going to see some habits come out because they are all going to be nervous, so stay focused for me."

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