Interlude 2: A Love Worth Keeping (When the Red Head falls in love)

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As it was the Heirs' OWLs year, they were quite nervous about the two events happening in the same year, especially as the Tournament could seriously hinder their education. It was why the first lessons of the year were so important, and why the first morning back, they were all giddy to get their schedules.

Last night's storm had blown itself out by the following morning, though the ceiling in the Great Hall was still gloomy and heavy clouds of pewter grey swirled overhead as Kane, Ron, and Ginny examined their new course schedules at breakfast.

A few seats along, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were discussing friendly pranks they could pull on the other schools when they arrived.

"Today's not bad . . . outside all morning," Ron said as he ran his finger down the Monday column of his schedule. "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures with Slytherins, which should be fun."

"Double Arithmancy this afternoon," Ginny groaned, looking down. Arithmancy, while interesting, was her least favourite elective she'd chosen. Professor Vector taught the subject really well, but it was generally very boring, and the woman didn't really do anything about that.

"Ha! I told you not to take it." Ron told his sister gleefully, who gave him a stink eye in return. Kane laughed at the duo's antics before concentrating on his own schedule. Professor Black was cackling at the interaction as he handed Lavender Brown her schedule next to them.

At the Slytherin table, Professor Snape was handing them their schedules as well, and Libra groaned at the lessons she had that day.

"Do they plan on torturing us or something? Double Runes then COMC with the Gryffindor...UGH!"

"Still don't want to be around Goldstein?" Leo asked his cousin worriedly.

"Yes! Ron had to rescue me last time he cornered me. It's like he doesn't understand the word no!"

"Don't worry Libra, we'll be there the whole time and I'll tell Hermione to never leave you alone." Draco told Libra, patting her on the arm in comfort. Anthony Goldstein had been pursuing Libra since last year to the point of obsession. He'd been following her around, harassing her, and all in all being a horrible person. Ron had been furious at the Ravenclaw and had needed to snap him out of his stalking on more than one occasion, and with more than one method. They could all tell Ron was the one with a true crush on Libra, but the two were as oblivious as ever about it. Because of this unrealized crush, Ron had made himself Libra's unofficial protector, and he took the title very seriously.

Unfortunately though, the boy didn't take Study of Ancient Runes, or Runes for short, and that was a subject she shared with Goldstein, so their other friends who took the subject made it a routine to not leave Libra alone all throughout the sessions.

Draco looked up at that moment and smiled at the Gryffindors approaching them. "Speaking of Gryffindors."

The three waved at the other fifth years and took seats around the table. Ginny sat beside Pansy who pulled her into the gossip she'd been telling Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, two of their casual friends, Ron took his usual seat beside Libra, who smiled at the red-head, and Kane sat between Leo and Hadrian, the three making quite the scary sight as they started speaking quietly about something the others weren't privy to. Everyone at Hogwarts, even those who didn't know who the three were heirs to, knew not to cross this trio when they were plotting

"What were you guys talking about?" Ron asked as he grabbed a cup near him and started pouring himself and Libra some tea, preparing it absentmindedly.

"Goldstein. I have Double Runes this morning." Ron's face darkened at the girl's words, mouth pulled in a scowl.

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