Chief Warlock Going Down (The Dark Take Over)

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"Welcome to another Wizengamot meeting. Before we begin, allow me to welcome some of our peers who are joining us today. Please welcome Lord Sirius Black who will be taking his place as Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black from his brother who has been Regent up to this point, Lord Rodulphus Lestrange who has taken up the title of Head of the Ingenious and Most Ancient House of Lestrange from his father Corvus Lestrange, Lord Severus Prince who will be reintroducing the Inventive and Most Ancient House of Prince into our courts as its Lord, and finally Lady Thomasina Slytherin of the Cunning and Most Olde House of Slytherin." Daedalus Diggle said with a shake to his voice in shock. He was, unfortunately, still announcer, but today this might change, or at least they all hoped it would. It was the last meeting before Hogwarts released its students for the summer and everyone was ready to get some change started.

"No!" Albus Dumbledore shouted to the whole room, his voice reverberating through the chamber as the four who were called entered in a flurry of different coloured robes. Sirius wore black robes with gold and forest green trimming and his family's crest on the breast. He wore the robes opened with leather pants and a black shirt underneath that showed his rebellious nature, accentuated by his mischievous smirk. Rodulphus followed after him wearing grey robes with dark gold trimming and his family's crest stitched on the breast as well, as was traditional for Lords. His were closed to the waist where they flared out and showed tight black suit pants underneath. Severus Prince entered beside Rodulphus wearing muted royal blue robes – which surprised everyone as he was known for always being in black – with silver and black trimmings. They were closed and swept behind him in his signature sweep as he walked confidently. The three protectively flanked the only woman in their group, Lady Slytherin. The woman was wearing a long sleeved Slytherin Green dress with a V cut and black details. Her elbows were bent as she held her hands together and walked elegantly with the three men walking beside her, telling everyone exactly where their alliances lay.

"She's the Dark Lady!" His exclamation caused people to look at him weirdly. While the woman did look to be powerful, she didn't look anything like what they were told Voldemort looked like. Illustrations released of the dark lady said she was an ugly woman with no hair, no nose and sickly green skin. This woman on the other hand had luscious brunette hair, a sharp but pretty face, and fair pink tinted skin. Those that knew who she really was just watched on in amusement as the people showed how much they thought Dumbledore had gone crazy, and it was all his own doing.

"I assure you I've never heard of this Dark Lady woman or know who she is. In fact I've been living in France for the past decade or so and have just recently returned to London." The woman said in a slightly accented English that made people believe her even more.

The man spluttered for a few minutes in indignation before Amelia Bones interrupted what he was going to say.

"Well then, you can all take your seats." She said, ending the confrontation with a sweep of her hand. They all descended the stairs and sat where they needed, Tamsin going to her rightful seat above the Chief Warlock's seat, becoming the first of the Most Olde houses to claim the title. (In truth she was just holding the place for her Goddaughter who'd take the title when all her friends, the heirs of the other Most Olde Houses, did.)

Dumbledore gritted his teeth in anger as everyone looked at Thomasina in awe and admiration. He knew the woman's appearance, especially as she stood g with two people he'd thought were in his pocket meant that he was slowly losing influence and that wasn't good, not at all. He was already expecting the loss of his position as Chief Warlock, but that didn't he wouldn't do everything in his power to stop it from happening. Little did he know, the day was just getting started.

Tamsin aligned the multiple seats under her control to the Dark faction, which was the last step needed to confirm that the Dark Sect had the most seats under them.

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