A Visit to Azkaban Prison

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'My dearest uncle,

Firstly, I'd like to say that Hades and I are settling in well at Hogwarts. We were both sorted to Slytherin, as I'm sure you'd already guessed, and found that the House of Snakes is very welcoming. During the sorting, Hadrian's identity as Heir Pendragon was revealed as his name on the list showed as Hadrian Pendragon-Potter. Other than that, everything went well. Dumbledore's speech was rather interesting though. Other than his weird words and general rules, he warned everyone away from the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side as it is out of bounds to everyone who does not, and I quote, 'wish to die a very painful death'.

Naturally some thought he was joking, but unfortunately the man was quite serious. We also noticed a darkness surrounding our new DADA professor that was...interesting. We talked to Kane and he says that he's surrounded by a darkness similar to that of Hadrian's or mine but dissimilar at the same time. He described it as a grey aura covered by a dark one. Libra suspects it has something to do with her godmother. Whether that is true or not, we don't know yet but we'll look out for anything and I'll let you know.

We've started getting to know our classmates and they seem quite nice. We have a lot of classes in a few days and I'm looking forward to them, Potions especially. I've heard from both you and Hermione how talented Professor Snape is, so I hope he can teach us the art of potions.

Other than that, I hope you are doing alright and that the projects we are planning are going well.



Regulus read his nephew's letter and felt concerned. He knew Dumbledore had something planned, but didn't expect him to be so obvious about it. If he had said those words back when Regulus was a student, his brother and his friends would've been in that hallway before 24 hours would've been up.

At the reminder of his brother, his thoughts drifted to the visit he'd made to Azkaban the day before after he'd dropped off his nephews at the platform.

"Wand." The guard at the door said in a gruff voice, and Regulus hesitantly handed him his precious wand. He was then led to the meeting room and waited silently as the guards brought in his older brother. Minutes later, a gaunt and scruffy man was dragged in and sat on the chair on the other side of the table Regulus was sitting at.

Prison had not treated his brother well. In place of his luscious shoulder-length raven-black hair was a bird's nest of tangles, his fit body from both working as an Auror and playing Quidditch as a teenager was now thin and frail from malnutrition, his face that was aristocratic with high cheekbones was thinner than it was, but his eyes were the biggest difference. His stormy grey eyes that used to always shin with mischief were now darkened from the horrors he'd experienced in this hell. He knew it was Sirius, but he couldn't recognise his lively and overly excited brother in the man in front of him.

"Reggy?" The man asked, his voice gruff from disuse.

"Hello big brother."

"H-how are you? How's Leo? Do you know where Hadrian is?" Sirius fired question after question at his brother in quick succession. The only reason Regulus hadn't come was because family members were only allowed visits to their relatives every year if they were a high security prisoner like his brother, unfortunately, was but the visits were always short, you only got more than a few minutes once every ten years. It was why he was also visiting the Lestranges on the same day.

"I'm alright, so is Leo. Hadrian came into my custody last month and I just sent the two to Hogwarts before coming here.

"Is it already September First?"

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