A Fair Trial (Fudge and Bones Take Control)

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"Before we begin this meeting, we have two of our peers that will be joining us today."

The Wizengamot was the Wizarding Britain's high court of Law and Parliament. It predated the British Ministry of Magic itself, dating back to the days of the medieval Wizards' Council. It was made up of the most powerful magical families in Britain -the Ancient Houses-, the holders of the Order of Merlin medal for outstanding service done to their country, the Heads of Ministry Departments, and those officiating each session. The Head of the Wizengamot was known as the Chief Warlock/Witch, and they maintained impartiality in dealings and made sure order was held in the chambers. The person who currently held the position was, unfortunately, still Albus Dumbledore. While he'd come under serious fire after it was publicized what he'd kept in the school and when the House of Flamel had sued him for damage to their private property, he still held the position for the time being, but Regulus expected that to not last very long. The man was not liked by half of the chamber while a quarter were impartial, until recently, and the other quarter worshiped the ground he walked on and thought he was the second coming of Merlin. Oh, if only they knew that the actual descendant of Merlin didn't even like the man.

All that aside, there were a lot of seats currently empty. From deceased Order of Merlin recipients, to people who didn't care about politics, like the Flamels, and families who've gone extant and no members have come forward to claim them or with too young heirs and no Proxy or Regent named, until now.

"Lord Sorrel Selwyn-Evans to take his seat as the Lord of the Guileful and Most Ancient House of Selwyn, and Regent Alexander Potter to Proxy for Heir Hadrian Potter the seat of the Honourable and Most Ancient House of Potter." The two men came in with flowing robes in their families' hereditary colours. Alexander wore bright red robes with bronze trim and the crest of the House of Potter -a wand and a sword crossed behind the head of a stag- on the breast while Sorrel wore forest green robes with silver trim and the Selwyn Family crest on the right side of his chest, which was a field of flowers with a large tree growing in the middle and a castle at its back.

The two made a scary and awe-inspiring sight as they moved towards the raised dais in the middle of the chamber, took their indicated oaths and sat down on either side of Regulus, indicating the change in alliance from the light for the Potters and dark for the Selwyns to the grey alliance. In the dark sect, for the first time in years, Lord Corvus Lestrange was sitting in his family's seat on the Wizengamot. Ever since the imprisonment of his family members, he'd retired from politics and secluded himself in Lestrange Hall, taking care of his practically orphaned granddaughter. The seat was still active but had been proxied by Narcissa Malfoy until that day. He'd garnered shocked looks at his arrival, but no one had commented beyond the welcoming words from those on the dark side of the room.

Dumbledore stared at the two in shock, unable to comprehend how they'd broken his memory charm and managed to return.

"Right then." The announcer, Daedalus Diggle, said after a moment of silence as Dumbledore didn't start the meeting like he should've, clearing his throat to attract the white-haired man's attention. This further cemented the fact that the man might be going senile to the people in attendance, even those firmly on his side.

"Ah Yes." Dumbledore said, seeming to come out of a trance. "This marks the beginning of the Ninety Fifth meeting of the Wizengamot. Minister, if you'd start with your own announcement." Regulus held his breath at this, ready to finally get the ball rolling to get his brother free. They'd decided that it'd be best for Fudge to announce this instead of one of them, as he'd have the most sway as Minister of Magic.

"Yes. I'm afraid that you'll all need to change to the Prune Robes Ladies and Gentlemen, as I'm afraid that my announcement is not the jubilant one you'd been expecting. It has come to my attention that three of our peers have been imprisoned wrongfully, and I bring this issue to you all to rectify this grievous mistake made by the previous administration." The man paused for dramatic effect before he continued. "Lord Sirius Black, Heir Rodulphus Lestrange, Heiress Bellatrix Black-Lestrange and Scion Rabastan Lestrange were all sent to Azkaban without a trial. Thus I call for them to be brought forward to finally get the justice and fairness they deserve."

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