The Heirs of Light, Dark and Grey

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Harry Potter could say for certain that he knew nothing about his family. His relatives had made sure that he knew absolutely nothing about his parents except that they'd died in a car crash, and that his father was a drunk who'd gotten them both killed. As he sat in what was apparently his account manager's office, he couldn't help but feel apprehension at what awaited him.

"Heir Potter, it is a pleasure to meet you. Although I would've liked our meeting to be on better circumstances, I'm glad you've finally answered our summons." The goblin, Griphook, said as he sat behind his desk.

"I'm sorry but I was never summoned here. I actually just found out I was a wizard today." Griphook's eyes widened at his words.

"Well that won't do at all. Then allow me to explain some things to you." At Harry's eager nod, Griphook continued. "While yes you are a wizard, you must also know that you come from a long line of wizards and witches on you father's side. Your father's family, the House of Potter, are a long established family that has been in the magical world for many generations, and this is known as a Pureblood family. Alongside that, the Potters had a noble title in the United Kingdom, thus making them intimately involved in the political scene of the British Wizarding World, as they had a seat on the Wizengamot, which is this country's high court of law and parliament. As you are the last living member of your family, you are the one entitled to your family's fortune and the seats on the Wizengamot which you need to choose a proxy for as you are underage and can't use them yourself. Your magical guardian should have been the one informing you of this, but as he is currently unable to do so, I will try my best in his stead."

Harry took a moment to absorb the words before he started asking his questions. "Who even is my magical guardian and what happened to him?"

"While it is thought that your magical guardian is Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, it is actually Lord Sirius Black, your godfather. He was illegally sent to Azkaban Prison without a trial for the crime of being a follower of the Dark Lady and killing 13 people, however all these crimes are unconfirmed."

"Who? I didn't understand anything you just said." Harry said with confusion and at Griphook's tired sigh, he added a quick "Sorry sir."

"It is not your fault young heir, it is the fault of those that were supposed to care for you, the headmaster being one of them. It was his duty to regularly visit you and ensure your education as Heir Potter was on par to the others of your station." The goblin said in anger before he started explaining what Voldemort was (AKA a fictional character created by Albus Dumbledore as a villain to the man's hero story. What had actually happened was that the Dark Sect was getting stronger and Dumbledore didn't like that, so he asked some of his die hard followers to attack people while wearing dark robes and black masks and started the rumours about the Dark Lady and her followers which became so wide spread that people thought it was real when it wasn't. There was no Voldemort, it was actually just a skewed version of High Lady Thomasine Slytherin who was Lady Magic's chosen Dark Lady) and the actual events of his parents' death, or at least what was publicised and that the goblin thought was completely false, which he expressed to Harry rather loudly. Harry listened to all of this with rapt attention, eyes widening at what he was being told. He was so ignorant, he thought in slight shame.

"But this Sirius, my godfather, wasn't actually a Death Eater?"

"No he was not. While he is a Dark Wizard from a prominent Dark Family, he never supported the termination of those that come from the muggle world, which was what was publicised as the Death Eaters' belief, as he understood they were the descendants of squibs and not there to steal purebloods' magic, as some of the rather...ignorant purebloods believed. He also showed respect to your mother and the others of her rank. The man's son and brother have also showed similar beliefs, so I have come to understand that Lord Black was sent to that horrible place to get him away from you, without a care to his family and friends that might miss him or need him."

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