Council of War

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"Well this is quite the gathering." Regulus Black said with a smirk, looking at all those in the office.

"Hello to you too cousin." Narcissa said as she went to hug her little cousin.

"This is a surprise. Hey Reg, Cissa." Annabel Mckinnon greeted them with a smile, clapping Regulus on the shoulder as she entered with her nephew.

"Yes. I did not expect any of you to be here." Severus Snape said as he entered the office with Hermione by his side. He'd gotten the purge and immediately went to accompany and help his niece with all she'd need. Her smile of gratitude had been well worth being around people he might not know. He was glad his friends were here though.

"Well, would you look at this? Is this a Slytherin reunion or something?" Belladonna Zabini said, smirking as she entered the office accompanied by Regent Longbottom and the three heirs.

"Well I'd hope not because then we wouldn't belong." Curse Breaker William Weasley said with a smile as he entered the office with his six siblings.

"I didn't know the Weasleys were related to the founders, Mr Weasley?" Severus said as he directed his signature intense look to one of his old students.

"Well not Weasleys per say Professor, our adopted sister is though." His tone of voice told everyone that he was still slightly scared of his old professor, which amused Severus's friends greatly.

"I think this is ample time to introduce ourselves, and I will start. I am Dowager Lady Augusta Longbottom of the Chivalrous and Most Ancient House of Longbottom." Augusta said with an intense look, gesturing to those with her to continue.

"I'm Heir Neville Longbottom." A shy boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes said with a small smile.

"Heiress Elena Fawley-Zabini. I'm the Heiress of the Loyal and Most Ancient House of Fawley and I'm Heiress Hufflepuff." The girl beside him, who had light brown skin and dirty blonde, almost brunette, hair with hazel eyes that were almost yellow, the same as Neville's, said with a shy smile and wave.

"Master Blaise Zabini of the Noble House of Zabini, and this is my mother Belladonna Zabini." A boy with dark skin, raven hair and brown eyes said with an intense stare as if daring anyone to attack him or those with him.

"I am Lady Narcissa Malfoy of the Prominent and Most Ancient House of Malfoy." Narcissa was an elegant woman with platinum blonde hair streaked with black and intense blue-grey eyes, a staple of a member born to the House of Black.

"I am Heir Draco Malfoy of the Prominent and Most Ancient House of Malfoy." The blonde next to her, obviously her son, had lighter almost white hair and the same coloured eyes. He spoke with an arrogant smirk on his handsome, sharp angled face.

"Heiress Libra Lestrange of the Ingenious and Most Ancient House of Lestrange. I am also the Heiress of House Slytherin." The girl next to the blonde was the girl Hadrian had seen as he entered the bank. She had half raven black and half platinum blonde -which looked like Lady Malfoy's- curly hair with one stormy grey eye and one green eye. She shot Hadrian another smirk as she stood opposite him.

"Regulus Black, Regent of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black." Regulus had curly raven-black hair and silvery grey eyes that shone with hidden intelligence. He stood there, elegant and graceful with his hands behind his back like a person born to rule.

"Leo Black, Heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black and Heir of House Le Fay." Everyone looked shocked at that, as they hadn't known they'd be joined by the heir of the Darkest Witch of All Time, Lady Morgana Le Fay; the first Dark Lady to exist. Leo looked like a carbon copy of his uncle and father with curly black hair, although his was kept shorter than his father's famous shoulder length, and stormy grey eyes. The only thing that showed he was his mother's son in appearance was his taller stature, as while the Blacks were powerful they were also quite short, and slightly rounder face.

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