Parents Return (The Reaction)

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'Ministry Messes Up. Innocents released from Azkaban.

You heard it here first, my lovely readers. Last night, the Wizengamot gathered and Cornelius Fudge, our Minister of Magic, announced that four prisoners had been imprisoned without getting a trial and that they'd be tried that day. Lord Sirius Black, Heir Rodulphus Lestrange, Heiress Bellatrix Lestrange and Scion Rabastan Lestrange were brought in and given trials.

They were all found innocent of all charges and released into the custody of their family members to heal from the side effects of the Dementor guards in Azkaban.

We at the Daily Prophet wish them all a fast recovery, and hope their families are doing well with their return.

For a recap of the trials, read page 6.

For information on Lord Black and the Lestranges' roles in the previous war, read page 9.'

Libra broke down into tears and hid her face in her cousin's shoulder while Leo and Hadrian hugged tightly at the news. They'd known about the plan from Regulus's letter the day before, but the newspaper had reached them faster than their families' letters, so everyone in the Great Hall saw the reaction of the ex-prisoners' children.

Hermione got up from her seat, as the one not in Slytherin closest to the two, and went to give Libra a tight hug.

"They're back..." Leo whispered to his brother, and Hadrian nodded in his shoulder.

It was an emotional moment for the Blacks, and they couldn't wait for Christmas to come for them to see their family members.



"Bill?" A soft, tired voice called in the darkness.

William and Charles Weasley have been looking for their real mother for a very long time. They decided that she might've been hidden in one of the Prewett properties, so with Charlie's status as the Lord of the Family, they started looking through each one when they could. It'd been a month since the trials and it was nearing Christmas, so they'd hoped to be able to find the woman before their siblings came home for the holidays.

This was the last one they had on their list, and if they hadn't found her here then they would've been back to square one. But it seemed as though luck was on their side for once.


They rushed to the voice and found the woman in a makeshift dungeon in one of the bedrooms of the relatively large estate. It'd been the family's vacation home in Ireland and was warded to the nines, which had already raised the two's hackles. Bill had needed to use some of the more complicated techniques he'd learned from working with the Goblins to dismantle them, but they'd finally been able to enter. And it was well earned as well.

"Oh boys..." The woman sighed in relief and they rushed to her and held her arms through the bars.

"Wait! Stand back Mum." The woman moved to the other side of the room, and the two young men shared a look before they each sent a blasting curse at the metal. It blew off its hinges and the woman inside barely avoided it and the debris that was released with the explosion. She rushed to the two and they pulled her into a tight hug. They'd finally get to be a family at last.

"Scarlett?!" Arthur Weasley asked in shock at the sight of the woman. She looked both similar to her sister and not at all. The two had the same bright red hair, but Scarlett's eyes were a sky blue and she was taller and leaner that her sister. The only sign of her having six children was her curvy body, but even that wasn't very apparent as she looked thin and malnourished. Arthur had been having lunch with his mother when his two oldest sons had come in practically carrying a woman who looked suspiciously like his missing wife. He was glad his boys had insisted he take an inheritance test after they found out about Molly, or else he'd have never remembered his kind and caring wife, the real mother to his six sons, the woman who really should've helped him raise them and their adopted daughter.

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