An End To The Peace (The Triwizard Tournament?)

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And so the years went on, things continued to change. Dumbledore didn't do anything outwardly antagonizing, trying to save face as much as possible, but the group kept dismantling his plans one by one.

As Thomasina's influence rose, so did her authority. She now had seats on both the Wizengamot and Hogwarts's board of Governors as the Lady of the House of Slytherin. Three years had passed since the heirs' first year, and they were developing and growing at an accelerated rate. At fourteen, they had almost complete control over both their normal magic and family magicks. It was fascinating for the adults to see. Currently, one month before school was set to start for their fifth year, they were gathered in Black Manor for some training. Regulus observed as Hadrian and Ginny had a casual swordfight, by their standards at least. Leo and Kane were in a corner looking over one of their family grimoires, which one Regulus would never know, while Sirius took on Draco, Libra and Hermione at the same time. Elena, Neville, Ron and Blaise were taking a break in the corner as they gave their full attention to Luna who was telling them about one of her adventures with their friends Romulus and Remus Scamander and the twins' Grandfather Newt Scamander.

"Come on guys, you can do better than that." Sirius taunted the three teenagers with a crazy grin on his face.

"Shut up old man." Libra said with gritted teeth. All three of them looked terrifying with bright glowing eyes, armour surrounding their bodies and elemental abilities seeping from their every pore to the point where the water that surrounding Libra kept freezing at the tip when it came near Draco and Hermione was close to being surrounded by a tornado. Sirius was, however, completely unfazed by this and his eyes glowed a stormy grey with black streaks as shadows surrounded him and spread in waves. Regulus and Bellatrix were on standby just in case anything went wrong but he knew his brother would never do anything to endanger the kids.

Draco stood his ground then and sharp icicles surrounded his frame in a circle, Hermione looked at him then and sent a wave of air towards the small daggers to send them in Sirius's direction. The man's eyes widened for a second before black tentacles appeared from beneath his feet and smacked them away from him, all of them breaking upon contact.

"This is what I meant by tag-team me. Work together as a team, take me down together." Sirius said brightly, motioning with his hands at them. "Come on. Try something like that again."

"Alright then." Libra said to herself before sharing a look with her cousin and best friend, the three nodding together. Libra sent a wave of water at the man, Draco froze them as the water turned into spears and Hermione moved them towards the man. All this was done in seconds so that Sirius didn't see it coming and his shadows were barely able to form to shield him from the attack.

The Black Lord laughed his bark-like laugh with his head bent back. "That was brilliant!"

The three cheered, high-fived each other, and then hugged subconsciously from their glee. They pulled away seconds later with Hermione and Draco blushing and looking at the ground shyly as Libra giggled at their obvious crush on each other.

"Let's end it here guys and let the others take a turn." Regulus said with a proud smile on his face. The three nodded before moving and collapsing on the wall from exhaustion.

"Leo and Kane. You two are next." Regulus called the two and watched as Sirius's face morphed into a look of mock horror and the boys smirked at the man.

"Oh no. If you're going to team those two together then it's not going to be against me."

"I thought you were big and strong Dad. You can't take two fifteen year olds on?" Leo said with a mocking smile. Sirius's eyes darkened at his son's challenge.

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