The Start

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Long ago, before the fall of Avalon and the rise of the United Kingdom, a prophecy was made predicting the fall of Avalon and how seven people would rise to the challenge to save their world from ruin.

'Seven Magicals Shall Answer the Call

And with their might they'll bring the world to rise or ruin

They will appear when the Dark falls and with their will they will unite all Magic:

The Lady of Lions with her Unstoppable Bravery

The Lady of the Eagles with her Unending Wisdom

The Lady of the Badgers with her Unwavering Loyalty

The Lady of the Snakes with her Unyielding Ambition

United they will be by the Royalty of Magic:

The Descendant of the Light Warlock

The Descendant of the Dark Enchantress

The Descendant of the Grey King

They will be the making or breaking of Magic in Avalon

Bringing back the Standing of Magicals in the world'


Libra Narcissa Black-Lestrange knew that she had a hard life ahead of her. Being the daughter of Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange, the Death Eaters who were among those accused of torturing the Lord and Lady Longbottom into insanity, was not something to be taken lightly. Everywhere she went, whenever someone heard her last name, they'd look at her with hatred and fear. She despised the dark reputation that had tarnished her once honoured and revered last name. All because of accusations that had never even been proven in trial, as her parents, like many other dark witches and wizards that had been captured, had never even gotten one and were just sent to Azkaban.

She feared for her parents' health and wellbeing every day, but could not do anything about their circumstances, instead she dedicated her days to her pureblood education under her Aunt Lady Narcissa Malfoy and her Grandfather Lord Corvus Lestrange's tutelage to be the best Heiress of House Lestrange she could be and honour her parents' sacrifice.

Today, however, was a special day in her life. Today she and her cousin Heir Draco Malfoy would be going to Gringotts Bank to get their inheritance tests, as was tradition for all purebloods to do once they'd turned eleven and before heading off to Hogwarts.

It had been mandatory since her Uncle Lord Lucius Malfoy had proposed the law in front of the Wizengamot, the British Wizarding World's high court of law and parliament, that all students, Muggle-born or otherwise, must undergo an inheritance test upon their arrival at Gringotts Bank when they go to purchase their school supplies for their first year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the United Kingdom's most prestigious and only magical school. The law had been approved by the Wizengamot with 60% percent of the body voting for it, who were mostly of the Dark and Grey sides, while 40%, mostly light aligned members, voted against it. As such it was finally her time to take the test and she was beyond excited.

She stared at herself in the mirror and appraised her looks. She had shoulder length hair that was half raven black and half platinum blonde, curly like her mother's with half of its colour inherited from the woman and the other half she inherited from her maternal aunt and paternal grandmother, and had one stormy grey eye and one green eye. Her different eye colours was attributed to a condition known as heterochromia, a side effect of having the Metamorphmagus ability in her family's blood. She was slightly short, a Black Family trait that she'd unfortunately inherited, but with perfect posture for one of her status.

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