Interlude: The End of the Evans Family

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Sorrel stared at the bland house in front of him with a blank expression that betrayed nothing of the disgust and anger he was currently feeling. It was the perfect Pureblood mask, but Sorrel had plans that didn't involve this mask lasting for long. As he approached the house, he felt something warm in his pocket. He put his hand in it and pulled out a mirror with his best friends' familiar faces staring back at him. To the muggle neighbourhood around him, he looked like he was just checking his appearance when in truth he was talking to people on the other side of the city.

"Are you sure you don't need backup Rel?" The man that was closer to him than a brother asked him with a concerned voice.

"I'll be fine Alex."

"I can come now if you want." His other best friend Regulus asked with a furrow in his brow.

"Guys relax. I'm just having a simple conversation with my sister. She's not going to kill me or something."

The three -for Barty was also there giving silence support- sighed before nodding their heads and ending the call. Sorrel took a deep breath and then decided to finally bite the bullet, as the Americans say, and ring the doorbell.

He heard it also ring inside the house before footsteps came towards the door and he was suddenly face to face with his oldest, and meanest, sister.

"Sorrel?" Petunia Evans-Dursley said with a shocked gasp, staring at her supposedly dead brother in shock. Two identical electric blue eyes stared back at each other.

"Hello Tunie. May I come in?"

"Y-yes." She said with stutter, moving aside and gesturing with her hand to enter. Sorrel moved behind her promptly and followed her into the house, looking around as they went to the living room. He noticed pictures of the three Dursleys, many pictures of who he could guess was Petunia's son, and his other nephew, Dudley. What made him angrier, though, was the lack of photos of the other boy he knew had lived here.

"Have a seat." The two sat opposite each other and kept eye contact for a moment before they broke it abruptly.

"So...why are you here?" Petunia said, getting straight to the point. Sorrel's eyes twitched in annoyance and he huffed with a raised eyebrow.

"What a nice way to welcome your supposedly deceased brother, how warm Tunie. But as you've stopped caring about your siblings and want to get straight to the point, I'll do the same. What the hell gave you the right to treat Hadrian, or Harry as you know him, like you did?" The last part was spoken in a quiet angry voice and Petunia started quivering slightly in fear. Everyone, even her, knew that a calm Sorrel was much more dangerous than a loud one.

"What else was I supposed to do?!" Petunia said loudly, anger making her eyes blaze. "He was suddenly thrust into my care even though I didn't want him and his...m-magic. I didn't ask to be his caretaker."

"You were supposed to love him, treat him well, hell even ignoring him completely would've been better than what you did. Instead you abused him, treated him like a servant, and for what. Because he has magic. Like Lily did. Like I do. I'm seriously starting to question why I even came here in the first place, you obviously hate me just like you do Lily and Hadrian."

"I don't hate them, or you. I was...I was...jealous. There! Are you happy now?!" Petunia finally admitted with tears of frustration running down her face. "Why did you and Lily have to get all the pretty magic while I was stuck with being the normal one?"

"We liked normal you!" Sorrel shouted angry, standing up and finally letting out all his pent up emotions towards his elder sister. "You were the only home we could escape to when everything at school got tough, when the war started and we didn't know if we'd survive another day because people like us were the ones targeted most, but you weren't there. You were never there. You were so stuck in feeling sorry for yourself and treating us like trash that you didn't notice that every year we'd return looking worse, feeling worse, like we were tired and just wanted to rest, like we were sad and scared and afraid. Every year, I'd come back fearful that when I returned my best friends would be dead. That they'd hate me. And when I wanted to go to someone who was away from all of that and could help, you weren't there. And I couldn't go to Lily because she had her own problems. Back then, I really started to hate you, you know. Instead of comforting me and helping me like a big sister should, you belittled me and made me hate myself because of something I had no control over, just like the pompous purebloods at school. It was like I left them at school and still found them at home.

But then I'd think that maybe you were just struggling and this is how you relieved the stress, so I just sucked it in and tried to be a good brother still, but nothing I did was ever enough for you, so I just gave up and as soon as I graduated, I moved in with my two best friends and left all the pain behind, just to find more pain and loss in the war. There were some happy moments, like when Hadrian was born or when Lily got married, but you'd always be like a shadow, there to dampen my happiness with your hateful remarks. Then I was attacked, my memory was wiped, and when I finally regained myself again I find out that my sister was dead, and my other sister was abusing my-our nephew. I had to look James Potter's brother -Hadrian's other uncle who also happens to be my brother in all but blood- in the eyes and see his face as he realised that my sister, the only blood relative my nephew and I had, was the one who mistreated him so badly that for a long time he didn't think anyone could love him, and that he was just a stupid freak because my lovely sister told him that over and over again. And for what, because you were jealous? Of what, not being hunted everywhere you went and people looking at you in disgust for being different? Well news flash Petunia, no I'm not bloody happy."

Sorrel took a deep breath after that, finally relaxing after letting everything he'd been keeping inside for so long out. Looking at his sister, he found her crying in earnest but couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about it, after all she'd been the one to do this to them, to make his relationship with his sisters so fragile and pain-filled.

"I'm done. This is all I have to say. And for all its worth, I hope you have a good life Petunia. Hadrian will not be returning here, as both his uncles and adoptive father are now available and eager to take him in, so he will not be staying here anymore. Hope that makes you happy." Sorrel stood up, dusted the imaginary dirt from his suit pants before buttoning his suit jacket and taking his leave. "Goodbye Petunia. I hope you're finally happy."

And he left, not looking back at his sister as he opened the door. He looked up the stairs beside it, however, and found his other nephew staring at him in shock.

"Nephew." Sorrel said with a small nod in greeting.

"Didn't know I had uncle." The boy said simply, noticing the similarities between the man in front of him and his mother, even him as well. All three had the same electric blue eyes, and the man and his mother even shared the same facial structure and nose.

"Yeah well..." Sorrel trailed off with a shrug. "If you ever need to get away or just anything in general, just send me a letter by post. It'll reach me. The name's Sorrel Evans."

"T-Thank you." Dudley stuttered, actually sincere for probably the first time in his life.

"No problem kid. See you." Sorrel said with a small wave goodbye before he finally left his sister's house.

It would be the last time the Evans family, the ones still alive at least, would be united. And Sorrel finally felt relieved at closing that part of his life for good, even if it meant finally letting his sister go for good. But as he'd kept reminding himself and his nephew, even years in the future after everything had been said and done, she was the one who'd put this distance and hatred between them, so who did she have to blame but herself. For it was true, Petunia Evans had finally caused the separation of the Evans Family that she'd longed for when she was young.

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