Meetings (Power is Back)

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Four days before Christmas Break ended, a large amount of people were gathered in Black Manor, or more specifically, the Black Family's meeting room.

Sirius had finally called a Family Meeting. To ensure every one with Black Blood would be attending, he called it during Christmas break. And everyone did come. Attending the meeting were his brother Regulus, who'd been the regent while he was gone, Leo as Heir, Hadrian as his blood adopted son and Dorea Black's grandson, his aunt Lucertia Black-Prewett, Cedrella Black-Weasley, Callidora Black-Longbottom, Frank's grandmother and Cedrella's older sister, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda sat beside each other and were joined by Libra, Draco and Nymphadora Black-Tonks, and Cassiopeia Black, the holder of the Black Book and the oldest member present.

"Thank you all for coming."

"Glad you finally called a meeting Lord Black." Cassiopeia said with a sharp look.

"I'm sorry it took this long Aunt Cassie, but I'm afraid I was otherwise preoccupied."

"How dare that ministry imprison our lord without a trial?" Callidora said with an angry growl.

"And they'll pay for this decision, but not now. We currently have a few other problems." Regulus said calmingly, getting everyone on the track Sirius had planned.

"Yes. Albus Dumbledore has managed to rise in the list of our greatest enemies." This caused a few gasps from some of those gathered who hadn't known about the man's wrongdoings.

"What'd he do now?" Cassiopeia said in exasperation.

"He kidnapped my daughter in law." Cedrella said in anger.

"He killed my parents." Hadrian followed after that with a growl and his magic flared around him.

"He destroyed my godmother." Said Libra with a hiss.

"And the list goes on and on. As you can see, he hasn't been very peaceful when it comes to our family." Sirius summed up after the shocking blow ups.

"He needs to pay then." Bellatrix said with a vicious smirk.

"I agree but this matter needs delicacy. So put your wand down Bella and put on the mind-set of Lady Lestrange." Bellatrix huffed at Sirius's words.

"How do you say we proceed then Lord Black?" Andromeda said calmly from where she was sitting between her two sisters.

"A great question Andy, and one I'm still trying to answer. We'll need you and Aunt Cassie to start collecting evidence against the man. Start with Halloween night and go from there." The two women nodded at his words and shared a determined look.

"Until that's done, we'll just have to make sure to thwart him every chance we get. Now, I haven't been in society for a very long time, so please catch me up on everything that's been happening." And so the meeting continued with recaps and discussions. Sirius sat back and listened intently, giving few words when he deemed it needed. Overall, it was a productive time, but nothing would really be done until later.


"This should do the trick."

"Severus...I really don't know how to thank you for this."

"You don't have to thank me My Lady. us create a better world for my niece and her generation."

"You have my word. They won't go through the discrimination we did."

Thomasine had been joining Severus every week to talk and see the progress of the potion she needed. The two bonded closely in these meetings, as Severus had been her only point of contact with humans aside from Quirinus, who wasn't in the loop for anything.

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