Return of the Monastery

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(Y/n)’s POV

It's been days since we defeated father and Ninjago was still recovering from the battle for Ninjago City. Luckily Scales and the Serpentine agreed to help rebuild and in exchange the Mayor, Emperor and Empress declared that the Serpentine would be free to live on the surface as permanent residents and given full rights.

Meanwhile the Emperor and Empress decided the time for hiding in the shadows was over. They had become more involved in the government, forming a council with the leaders of various other villages and cities, to make us better prepared for the next villain to attack Ninjago.

Which might be sooner than we think if my father's warning was true…

Anyways, as for Harumi, she had to serve 100 hours of community service in Ninjago City to make up for what she did. The Emperor and Empress allowed her breaks from time to time while also assigning me or one of the other Ninja keeping an eye on her.

If only so she could earn our trust back…or to protect her from anyone who wanted to take justice into their own hands.

Speaking of us, even though we saved Ninjago, again, with the Bounty destroyed and the Airjitzu temple, well it's complicated to explain, we had a one small problem: We had no home.

Luckily I still had the Hero suite in the city so we decided to stay there at least till we find a more permanent place to stay.

And right now, we were currently listening to what the guys did in the First Realm from Kai…though with a few extra details.

"That's not what happened at all!" Jay exclaims.

"Hey, who's telling this story, me or you, Blue Jay?" Kai teases, sitting next to Skylor.

"Hey! Only we call him Blue Jay!" Cole and I retort.

"Besides, you're telling it all wrong!" Jay says.

"Oh really? So you're saying that you didn't go nuts?" Kai questions.

"Kai is correct. For a while, you were not in your right mind, Jay." Zane confirms.

"You thought a piece of wood was a video game console." Cole adds, making Seliel and Nya chuckle.

"Well-I-UGH! Fine, maybe I was a bit out of it when we first got to the First Realm. But, I was not worse than toddler Wu." Jay exclaims.

"How did you guys even manage to take care of him?" Nya asks.

Pixal nods in agreement, "None of you have ever even taken care of a child before."

"Except me when I was little." Lloyd adds, "Though, I don't think that counts."

"Wu wasn't that bad as a kid." Cole tells him, "Sure he complained a lot, but it only got worse when he turned into a teen."

"Yeah, Faith was very close to punching him one time." Kai comments.

"But it's still good to have him back. He was gone for so long, I was worried we wouldn't find him." Morro says.

My smile falls a bit, "We all were…"

Jay looks at us all, seeming to notice the sad mood, before gasping, "We should have a welcome back party!"

"Really?" Kai asks.

"That is actually an excellent idea." Pixal states as our good mood comes back.

"It'll certainly help him feel more comfortable in Ninjago." Zane states.

"We could get him gifts." Nya suggests, "Ninjago has changed since Wu's been gone, he might need a few things to help him catch up."

"Are you sure that won't overwhelm him?" Cole asks.

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