Galacialgear {ZanexPixal}

323 13 14

Zane's POV

"I appreciate you doing this for me." I tell Pixal and Cryus Borg as I place my falcon on a table. I have missed my flying friend, and I have brought him to Borg Tower to get him fixed.

"Well, of course, Zane. After everything you've done for us and Ninjago, it's only right to help you with whatever you need." Borg says.

"It's been a while since I've seen him." Pixal states as she turns to look at me, "I'm sure you've missed him."

"Greatly." I confirm, "Our friendship is a bit different, but I was always glad that he was around to help me out."

I watch Borg start to operate on my falcon. He seems to accidentally trigger something, because a few seconds later, the falcon's cloaking ability was triggered turning him from metal and shiny to black and bird-like.

"Oh, well, that's certainly impressive." Pixal states.

"I had it put in him after I gained the cloaking ability myself." I tell her before showing her my human cloaking.

"I see…" Pixal comments before turning to Borg, "Cryus Borg, may I suggest-"

"Ah, here we go!" Borg exclaims as he activates my falcon. I smile as he starts to fly in the air in circles. He then lands on my arm as I hold it out.

"Welcome back, my friend." I say, petting him on the head. I chuckle as he deactivates his cloaking and starts to fly around the room again.

"How marvelous." Borg states as we watch the falcon.

"Indeed." Pixal says. I smile at her, but my smile falls as I see the thoughtful expression on her face.

"Pixal, is something wrong?" I ask, considering giving her a scan in case something had been damaged.

Pixal looks between Borg and I before finally setting her eyes on Borg, "I would like to suggest that I get a cloaking mechanism as well."

I smile, immediately liking the idea as I look at Borg for his input.

"Oh, that is a splendid idea, Pixal." Borg says, "If you like, we can get started right away."

Borg gestures to the table, causing Pixal to smile, "I would like that very much."

I stand to the side as Pixal lays herself on the table and Cryus Borg immediately gets to work.

"I'm quite curious to see what you will look like with a cloaking mechanism." Borg says.

"I believe she will look beautiful either way." I say simply.

I see Pixal smile, "Thank you, Zane."

It takes about 10 minutes before Borg finishes installing the cloaking mechanism into Pixal.

"Okay, Pixal, why don't you try it out?" Borg suggests after allowing Pixal to get off the table.

She nods before closing her eyes and activating her cloaking ability. Borg and I stare in awe as her appearance turns human.

Her eyes remain green, yet her hair looks more soft and has a nice ash grey color. Her skin no longer look metallic either.

"How do I look?" Pixal asks as she looks herself over.

I walk over to her and hold her hands as I look her straight in the eyes, "You look incredible."

"Thank you, Zane." Pixal says as she gives me a hug. I hug her back as I feel a warm smile form on my face.

"Why don't you two head out and have fun with your new ability. Come back if there are any problems." Borg says.

"Of course." Pixal and I agree before heading for the elevator.

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