Questing for Quests

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(Y/n)'s POV

Ever since Uncle Wu completely humiliated us in combat, we've all been sparing to improve our skills. But Lloyd had left to ask Wu for a quest tip.

"Not that I'm against training, but why couldn't I just spar with Morro?" I ask Seliel as I easily dodge her attacks.

"Because, you've been spending so much time together that you both have forgotten how to work with the team." She tells me.

I raise an eyebrow before flipping her over my shoulder and she lands on the ground with a grunt.

"You mean the team that has gotten so lazy that they can no longer avoid very obvious booby-traps?" I ask as I help her up.

Seliel sighs, "What I'm trying to say is, what's the point of having two trained ninja if they don’t fight with their team? If we were to fight together, then it'd be utter chaos."

I shrug, still not understanding her point, causing her to sigh again. I then hear the door to Wu's room close and turn just in time to see Cole spin around on his head and flop down in front of Lloyd.

"How'd it go?" Cole asks Lloyd.

"He's... in a-a mood." Lloyd answers.

"Did he give you a quest tip?" Jay questions.

"No, he said we have to figure it out on our own." Lloyd says.

"Hate to say I told you so-wait no I don’t, I told you so!" Morro states with a huff.

"Yeah, but I've been thinking about it for five minutes! I'm tapped out!" Kai tells us.

"Maybe we need a change of scenery. Sometimes ideas come to you better if you change your surroundings." Jay suggests.

"Good idea, Blue Jay." I compliment.


I sit in the Bell of Divinity in my Bikini with an annoyed, yet slightly pleased look on my face.

'Not what I meant, but I don't mind it.'

"Nope, still nothing." Jay says as we are all thinking about a good quest.

Kai sighs, "We need a villain."

"We do?" Morro asks.

"Nothing huge of course." Seliel assures.

"Yeah, what about Ultra Violet?" Cole asks.

"Uh, she's nuts. I'd rather face Killow." Kai tells him.

"They're both incarcerated in Kryptarium Prison," Zane informs them.

"What about Master Chen?" Nya suggests.

"The Departed Realm," Morro states.

"Pythor?" Cole wonders.

"Reformed," Lloyd says, a bit proudly.

"We both know that may not be completely true, bro. This is Pythor we're talking about." I tell him, causing him to pout, “But if he is, I don’t think he'd like us ruining his day.”

"To add to that, his whereabouts are also unknown. Locating him would require some effort." Zane adds.

"Effort? Uhhh, no." Cole says and slurps from his guzzler hat.

"We have to put in effort, Boulder Boy, that's the whole point of this." Seliel tells him.

"Eh, finding a good villain is hard." Kai states.

Jay rolls his eyes, "Let's face it: There aren't any villains left, except well, um…"

Lloyd and I look at Jay disapprovingly for bringing up such a touchy and awkward subject.

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