Ninja's Night Out!

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(Y/n)'s POV 

It's been a day since the Oni were defeated and everyone has been stuck in the Monastery to heal up. Unfortunately, with so many tired, injured, still on edge warriors in one place, we're all starting to get on each other's nerves.

I stand in the kitchen with my mouth hanging open as I stare at Cole literally guarding the fridge.

"Seriously?!" I shout, confused on why he's hogging the fridge.

"Look, after a fight like that, I need my comfort foods, and the fridge is the only thing that has them," Cole explains, "And I will not risk anyone else stealing from me!"

"We need to eat, Cole! UGH!" I exclaim before slamming the kitchen door.

Forget starting, we're definitely getting on each other's nerves.

I stomp into one of the living rooms to see the rest of the girls chilling out around the room.

"You will not believe what I just saw!" I start.

"Cole's guarding the fridge?" Harumi guesses.

"Exactly!" I exclaim, "Who guards a fridge?! A FRIDGE! Seliel-"

"Don't bring me into this. I tried talking to him, but he wouldn't budge." She tells me.

Nya sighs, "It's not just Cole, all the guys are being…unreasonable, so to speak."

"Tell me about it. Kai pretty much ignores me every time I try to talk to him." Skylor says.

"Zane has locked himself in his room. If he wasn't a Nindroid, I'd be quite concerned for him." Pixal adds before frowning, "Actually…I'm still quite concerned."

"Any problems with Morro?" Nya asks me.

I sigh and roll my eyes, "He's worn out most of our training material. He's obviously still on edge from the battle, we all are, but honestly, why can't he ever chill?"

"What about Jay?" Seliel asks Nya.

"My 'one and only' has been glued to the couch playing video games." Nya answers, "I'm actually not sure if he's bathed today."

The rest of us shudder in disgust at the thought, hoping it isn't true.

"Everyone has their own way of coping." I hear my mom say as she opens the door, "Lloyd has just been wandering around the Monastery stuck in his own head for the past couple hours."

"At least he took a shower." I say, causing her to laugh.

"Point is, I think you all just need a break from the boys." Mom tells us.

"I think you're right." Harumi agrees.

"Hey, didn't we talk about having a girls day today?" Skylor asks.

"We could use the Destiny's Bounty, take off into the sky and finally have some space." Seliel suggests.

Nya smiles a bit, "It's the perfect way to get away from the guys."

"Not to mention, there's a fridge on the Bounty! This plan is genius!" I exclaim before getting shushed.

"If you want to do that, then you ladies might want to be a bit more quiet." Mom says.

"Or else our chances of leaving without them will dwindle down to 0 percent." Pixal adds.

"Right, let's go." I whisper as the girls sneak out of the room and outside. I look at mom and gesture to the others, "Why don't you come with us? I don't want to leave you here with a bunch of annoying boys."

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