A Rocky Start

375 10 17

Kai's POV

Everyone dashes around the Monastery, packing stuff up for our quest, even though most of the things we're thinking of packing are not needed…but definitely wanted.

"Has anyone seen my sunscreen?" Cole asks.

"No." I reply, rushing into my room to grab a few clothes.

"Where’s my sword?" Lloyd asks as I pass by him.

"Are you bringing sneakers or boots?" Nya calls out.

"Sneakers." Zane says as he runs past her.

"Boots!" I add, passing in front of her. I then almost crash into Lloyd, "Whoa!"

We swerve around each other, but something catches his attention.

"Uh, hey, is that my Starfarer comic?" Lloyd asks, gesturing to the comic in my hand.

"You lent it to me, remember?" I ask with a sheepish smile.

"No, I lent it to (Y/n), like a year ago." Lloyd states.

I sigh and shove the comic into his hands, "Ugh, take it."

I rush past Zane and Seliel who is judging Cole for wanting to bring his soda guzzler.

"Kai, you don't need a hoodie in the desert!" (Y/n) shouts, throwing my packed clothes at me.

"Why are you going through my stuff?!" I snap.

"I didn't go through anything! It was on the floor!" She snaps back before throwing more stuff at me.

"Enough!" Morro states, his tone filled with disapproval as he drags (Y/n) away.

"Anyone have room for my travel pillow?!" Jay calls out.

"No!" The rest of us yell.

Soon enough, we got all our luggage to the front of the Monastery.

"That's the last of it!" Lloyd says as he throws his final bag into the pile of luggage.

"What is the meaning of this?" Sensei Wu asks, appearing with Pixal and…

"Harumi!" Lloyd exclaims before hugging the princess, but then backing off sheepishly, "Uh, sorry, what are you doing here?"

We all chuckle as we see Sensei Wu silently glaring at Lloyd for ignoring his question.

Harumi smiles and kisses Lloyd's cheek, which I still haven't gotten used to, but still happy that Lloyd's happy.

"Pixal called me and told me a bit about your situation, so I decided to come and visit." She tells him.

"Oh yeah, we're about to go off on our quest. To hone our ninja skills." Lloyd tells her.

"How long are you going for?" Sensei Wu questions.

"I dunno. Day or two?" Jay answers.

"Just like you always say: Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it." Cole quotes wrongly.

"I never said that." Sensei Wu bluntly states.

"Ha! And you say we never listen!" Jay chuckles.

"I never said that either." Sensei Wu says, annoyed.

"Master Wu, perhaps this is an opportunity to field test the new joint tactical vehicles." Pixal suggests.

"Oh! What new joint tac-wha?" I ask, confused, yet excited.

We follow Pixal into the living room and watch as she throws three throwing stars at a target. The target then lifts up, revealing a button that Pixal pushes which causes a hidden elevator to be revealed from behind the T.V.

Ninjago reader insert (Continuation)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum