The First Adventure

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Where are we going again?" Jay asks as we all fly through Ninjago on our dragons.

Lloyd sighs, "We're going to the orphanage to see if they need any help rebuilding." He explains.

"We're also going to stay and hang out for a bit to assure them that everything is going to be fine." I add as we finally reach the orphanage.

We land around the building and leave our dragons outside.

"We'll be back in a bit, just sit tight," Cole tells Rocky and the rest of our dragons as we walk into the orphanage.

"This place has changed since the last time I've been here," Morro says, looking at all the different changes to the building.

"Yeah, most, if not everything is different now. All the kids from before have already grown up or been adopted." I explain, "But that's fine, it's always nice to see new faces."

"Hey look, everybody! The ninja are here!" A kid shouts, pointing to us.

"Yay!" A little girl cheers as all the kids start to run up to us.

"Oh boy, there are so many," Kai states as a toddler clings to his leg.

"Uh, maybe we should sit down first," Seliel suggests, pointing to the living room.

"I agree. There seem to be more children joining us by the minute." Zane says as some kids climb on him.

I chuckle and pick up a pair of 3 year old twins, "Alright, everybody, to the living room!"

As we all sit down the others immediately have with kids, some played swung around on Cole's arms, The girls play Nya, Skylor, Harumi and Seliel and the boys hang with Jay, Kai and Morro. And we all have a laugh when Zane does his funny switch dance.

"So, this is what you do when your not out Ninja'ing with us?" Lloyd asks with a 3 year old boy, Mason, on his lap.

"Yup, hard to ignore this little scamps," I say, booping Lily's nose as she laughs.

"Tell us a story (Y/n)," One of the little boys on the carpet asks, "Tell the one about your first adventure to get the Golden Weapons!"

The other children chant in agreement.

I shake my head in amusement, "Kids, I've already told you that story a hundred times." I remind them.

"Yeah, but it'll sound way cooler since the rest of the ninja are here!" Kyle exclaims.

"Guys…" I whine playfully.

"C'mon, (Y/n), give the kids what they want." Kai says before turning to the kids, "How about I start it this time?"

"Don't you always exaggerate whenever you tell stories?" Morro asks.

"Hey, hey, hey, I do not exaggerate, at least not with this story." Kai retorts.

"Well then, fire away." I say with a smile.

Kai clears his throat as the kids focus on him, "Okay, for me, it all starts at mine and my sister's old blacksmith's shop, Four Weapons…"
Past Kai's POV

Just another day at the shop, hot coals in the air, hammer against metal and making new swords and armor, "To forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat. Cool it off… and… presto!" I say before pulling out my new sword but sigh in disappointment as the sword ends up really twisty.

Nya laughs, "You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If Father was still here, he'd say—"

"I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight." I interrupt, repeating the words my father once told me, "That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than Dad ever was."

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