What's the Worst that Can Happen?

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Making my way down in another hallway, I am attacked by a couple zombies. Rushing past them, I open a room with my bolt cutters and grab some more items, such as an electric gadget thing, ammunition, and documents. Moving into another room, I find some more boards.

Leaving the room, I find a small group of bloodied corpses, including that of a local officer. In front of a bench covered with blood. Making my way to the weapons locker room, I use the key card I found earlier to get access to the grenade launcher and flame rounds inside.

Making my way up to a stairwell, I find one of the bodies I'd seen earlier lumbering toward me. With a sigh, I put a couple bullets into her head and walk past her as her body falls.

I feel a chill go down my spine before I make my way into a bathroom. Pulling out a red handle, I use to turn off the water heater and pass through the broken wall, coming upon the corpse of man who seemed to have died only recently, his hand covered in blood, presumably from his wound. Opening one of the lockers, I find a bottle of gunpowder. Leaving the room, I find myself in a bloodied hallway, an officer laying on the floor in a pool or blackened red. On a bench in a corner is a more flame  fuel.

"Jesus Christ...why the hell do you have all this shit!?!"

Putting the flame rounds in my bag, I make my way down the hall, watching a strange creature latch onto a corpse and pull it toward their body.

"What the hell is that?"

I could hear the crunching and snapping of bones as I went into the next room, hoping it didn't see me. Picking up some herbs and high-grade gunpowder, I look into the nearby aid station to find some more of that spray.

Making my way into an office, I stop for a moment to read the badge on the wall.

"S.T.A.R.S," I whispered to myself.

Looking down at the desk, I find a 9 Volt battery. Thinking about the device I found earlier, I put the battery into the slot and watch it come to life. With a slight smile, I continue toward the desk to find a memo.

"Sept 22, 1998. Office Supply Internal Relocation Notice. Heat-resistant 3-number combination safe - Moved from S.T.A.R.S. Office, Second Floor, to West Office, First Floor." I turn my head at the sudden scream outside. Turning back to the memo, I read, "The combo is Left 9, Right 15, Left 7. Please change the combo ASAP upon receipt. R.P.D. Facility Maintenance Depot."

Putting the paper down, I turn around and leave the office, find a strange beige briefcase. With a heavy sign, I open it to find some grenade launcher rounds and a flash bang next to my head. Taking them, I slowly leave the room, peeking my head outside into the hall, shining a light down toward the window. Slipping back into the room, I check my map and remember where I was going.

And so, I leave the room and enter the hallway slowly making my way down into the pits of a hellish purgatory, rife with monsters and decay. With each step, I feel blood leaking into my boots, a little at a time. Hands drawn on the walls, dry crimson. Around the window is a strange amalgamation of blood, strewn about as though someone was ripped apart by a bear.

As I near the end of the hallway, the creature peaks around the corner. Taking one look at its malformed face, I don't hesitate to pull the trigger, the force of the bullet leaving the barrel as well as the bullet itself cause the creature's head to explode, its blood covering the walls.

With adrenaline rushing through my veins, my breathing grows ragged, and my heart races. Making my way down the hall, I open the door to find one of the statues from ealier. Turning to my left, I open the door to find a hulking mass of gluttonous flesh. Turning its ugly head, I can't help but notice his engorged chin, his jaw almost non-existent. I freeze for a moment before putting a few rounds in its head and watching it fall. I would not get to experience relief, however, as the shot I fired garnered the attention of nearby infected.

As they come after me, lumbering ever so nimbly, I rush up the stairs and try my best to get through the door. However, the knob would not turn. Growing desperate as the zombies close in on me, I force the knob and open the door at the last second, slamming it shut and locking it. They began to bang on the door, but thankfully, it wouldn't budge. Looking up, I see a man, his mouth covered with blood, his hands dangling from the ceiling.

"How's it hanging?"

The corpse didn't respond as Claire laughed dryly, trying to keep herself from passing out.

"Tough crowd, huh?"

Getting up and dusting myself off, I make my down the hall, coming upon some C4 taped to a weakened wall. Placing the device I found on it earlier and press a button or two, I suddenly hear it begin to beep.


Doing my best to run toward one of the walls, I hide behind it until it explodes. Hearing the raspy roar of one of those creatures nearby, I move through the hole, coming upon three or...three and a half officers. One of them was in pieces, the others...almost intact. Hearing heavy footsteps, I turn to see one of those creatures from earlier. Reacting quickly, I fire a round into its forearm before firing another two into its head.

Turning to the statue, I put in the code and get the maiden medallion. Not long after did the corpse of the man I saw earlier start lumbering toward me.

"Oh, come on! That was a good joke!"

Walking by him, I put a bullet in his head and watch his body fall backwards. Quickly I run down the halls until I find a stairwell with old railings. Hearing a raspy and guttural growl, I turn to see another female officer, an older one it seems. As she approaches me, I put a couple rounds into her head.

Making my way down the stairs and finding myself at the bottom, I find another zombie. Putting a round in its leg, it goes down on one knee before I finish it off. Quickly I make my way down the hall, passing by a black and blue donut with strawberry filling inside and a strawberry covered blue and black pocky stick before coming into the main hall. As I walk toward the statue, I spot Marvin and breathe out in relief as he groaned in pain.

"Okay...I gotta hurry..."

Turning to the statue, I find myself putting the last piece in. With a click and a clang, the rest of the pedestal went down to form a stairway covering a metal door. Opening it, I smile.

"Looks like it leads underground. Good. We can get out of this hellhole." I turn to Marvin. "Hey, Marvin! Guess what! Think I found a way out."

He didn't respond.

Walking toward him, I continued. "Marvin, come on. Let's get you out of here. Let's go."

The wounded officer quickly sprung forth with a gasp, panicking a little.

"Are you okay?"

Marvin strained to sit up with his wound. Groaning, he says, "no, I...just go. Save yourself."

"C'mon, it's bad. We gotta get you to a hospital, now..."

"Please, Claire," Marvin begged. "We both know how this is going to end." He hardened himself. "Get out of the city."

"I can't just leave you here."

"Claire, please." Marvin's voice grew raspy. "Go...do this for me."

With a sigh, I stand up. "Okay." Stopping just next to the passageway, I stop. "Hey, Marvin?"

He turns to look at me, his eyes pleading with death it would seem. "Thank you."

Walking down into the passageway, the entrance shuts behind me.

"Down into the belly of the beast we go..."

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