47. Heartbreak

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"Is it confirmed?" I asked Dan while pouring vodka into both of our glasses.

"The information has been sent this afternoon." He nodded and took his glass, drinking the entire content in one gulp. "Our mole is 100% sure about it. He is working for the Myers family."

Humming to myself, I sat back in my chair and twirled the drink in my hand. My blood was boiling; that son of a bitch thought he could pass by unnoticed under my radar and spy on my family so they could hurt my kids. Over my dead body.

"Send a few men to follow him 24/7. I don't want them to let him out of their sight, not even for one second," I ordered.

"Already done, boss. Also, there's hidden cameras and microphones installed all over his apartment."

I smirked at that. Dan was the best right hand man I could have ever asked for, and not just because he was my best friend and I trusted him with my life, but because I don't think there's a more efficient person for such position. He is always one step ahead, just like a want it.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation, making us both turn towards the door with confused frowns as we were not expecting anybody. Much to my surprise, Ryan walked into my office right after I had said 'come in', a nervous glint in his eyes.

"Boss," he greeted me with a nod. "There's an urgent matter I would like to speak to you about."

Not tearing my eyes off him, I leaned over my desk and joined my hands. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like whatever was about to leave his mouth. Ryan has always been a straightforward person, so the fact that he was now beating around the bush and carefully choosing his words made me uneasy. 

"It's about your daughter."

All alarms went off the moment he spat those words out. I felt my whole body tense up while Dan frowned at him.

"What is it, boy?" he asked the words that seemed to be stuck inside my throat, refusing to leave.

Ryan cleared his throat before explaining. "I spoke with our mole about this. Your daughter didn't sit with Noah White and his friend group during lunch. Instead, she spent that time sitting on another table with Leah and Cole. Also, she skipped last period, which coincidentally was the same class she shared with Noah, who skipped as well. After investigating, our mole has found out that they've had a huge argument and that Noah doesn't wish to speak to Ava. Our suspicions are that he has found out about our scheme."

What? Why didn't Ava tell me anything about this? Was she ok? Hundreds of questions came to mind as I felt the worry intensify. I immediately stood up and left the office —I would finish my conversation with Dan later, my kids would always be my top priority— before heading towards her room. I gently knocked on her door, softly calling out her name. I heard some ruffling and shifting from behind before the door was finally opened, revealing my daughter.

"Is everything ok, princess?" I asked her, even though I already knew the answer to that question.

Ava avoided eye contact at all costs. She didn't reply to my question either; instead, she was constantly fidgeting with the hem of her sweater.

I let out a sigh, my gaze softening. "May I head inside?"

Still without looking at me, she gave me a meek nod and moved to a side so I could enter. The first thing my eyes landed on was on the mess her bed was: thousands of creases adorned her covers —even though I know for a fact that her bed was made by one of our maids this morning— while a stuffed panda laid next to an open box of chocolates, her phone and her earphones. A few feet away from her bed was her school bag, carelessly thrown there and probably untouched since she arrived from school.

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