24. 1 step forward and 3 steps back

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I closed my locker's door shut at the same time the bell rang, indicating the beginning of the first lesson of the day. I walked side by side with Leah, books in hand, heading towards English class.

It's been a few days since the gunfire happened. Per parents' panic and concerns, the school has remained closed ever since, but from the updates I've already noticed, I can tell the school hasn't stopped working on improving both their security system and their image: more security guards around the school grounds, hundreds of reassuring mails to all concerned parents about their children's wellbeing, replacement of each object shattered during the shooting... They were doing everything in their power to leave this issue behind, but, even though no one had been seriously hurt, I don't think the incident will be forgotten any time soon.

Noah and I haven't talked to each other after the kiss either, and I think that was for the best. During the days I didn't have to see him, I tried my hardest to forget about our moment to the point it was almost forgotten. Almost. Shaking my head at such thoughts, I internally reprimanded myself  for allowing my mind to go back to that night. I had promised myself that I would stop thinking about the kiss, that I would act as if it never happened, and I was determined to fulfill that promise.

"Many parents still don't trust the high school's safety," Leah mumbled while looking around the hallway which was emptier than usual. I only hummed in response, seeing that a nice percentage of students hadn't come, but Leah didn't like my lack of words as she turned her head to me with furrowed eyebrows. "You ok?"

"Oh, yes, yes. I'm just a bit tired," I reassured her. Leah's expression was a clear sign that she didn't believe me one bit yet still she nodded her head. I had told both her and Cole everything that happened that night, from the moment we split up to the moment I met them back in the car. While Cole didn't miss the chance to constantly tease me about it, Leah seemed more unsure about this whole situation, having the same worries as me.

"I've talked to my father this morning," I changed the topic, lowering my tone until only she could hear me. "He's investigating who was behind the shooting and your father's on the team in charge of that. Your mother has also travelled there to be with him."

During these days, I spent half of my time helping my father and brother on the mission of finding out who's behind the attack, but to no avail. The list of suspects is long, way too long, and every single name in there could have a reason to be after my life and my father's mafia. So, sending a team out to get information on the streets was our strongest tactic for the moment, as well as the perfect opportunity to keep Leah's parents busy.

Leah's breath hitched at my words and soon after I felt her hand squeezing mine in gratitude. She was never a girl of many words, so that little action was more than enough for me, knowing that this meant much more for Leah than anybody could imagine. I've said it before and I would repeat it as many times as needed, I would do anything for Leah to be ok.

"You're always welcome into the mansion if you don't wish to live on your own," I added.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'd rather be at my own home," she whispered.

Right before we were reaching the classroom, our conversation was stopped as Travis walked out of the male washroom in a rush, barely sparing as a glance as he fixed his clothes on his way to class. Leah and I shared a confused look, though it disappeared when, seconds later, a grinning Cole walked out of the same door.

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