25. Reagan

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"Your parents ain't at home?" Hayden asked as I leaded him towards the backyard with a few snacks in hand.

"They aren't." Thankfully. "They're out on some business event I didn't care enough to ask."

"Cool," he grinned mischievously as we both sat on the lounge chairs, dropping the snacks on the coffee table that was situated in between us.

"Whatever you're scheming in that mind of yours, stop it," I warned him. "Plus, didn't you come here for me to help you with maths homework?"

His face contorted into a whiny expression as soon as he heard that question while he complained. "But I don't wanna right now. Can't we just do something more fun before?"

"Such as what?" I raised my brow at him.

He shrugged and ripped a bag of chips open, taking some for him before offering me. With a grateful nod, I grabbed a few chips, still waiting for his reply.

"Let's talk." He rubbed his hands together, smirking at me. "Tell me, what's happening between Sophie and Ava?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

Of course I knew, or at least I had half an idea. Not only from the clear tension that's created in the air whenever they're both together in the same room, but also from the bits of information I have been getting from both of them about their feelings towards each other. But, as much as I trusted Hayden and as much as I knew he was asking simply because he's always been a curious soul, I couldn't tell him what I knew. It wasn't my problem to tell.

"I just thought one of them might have told you something, you're closer to both of them than I am."

"Well, they haven't," I replied. "If you're so curious, go ask them."

"I would, but I'm not in such levels of familiarity yet with Ava. And you know I'm not too fond of Sophie. Were you really going to send me to talk to her?" he deadpanned.

"I'm aware you're not her biggest fan, but she doesn't bite, you know?"

Ever since I introduced them both a few years ago, when we started high school, Hayden and Sophie haven't been the closest of friends, not that I was expecting them to. In spite of coming from such similar worlds, they both are polar opposites. While Sophie is more of a serious kind of person, always focused on her studies and future and occasionally acting more mature than other teenagers of her age, Hayden is the type of person that is always making jokes and trying to get others to smile and, even though he doesn't neglect his education, he'd rather go out and enjoy his teenage years than stay at home and study. It's clear that they both have very different perspectives of life, which crash one against the other, and I think that's what made it impossible for them to be friends, more like acquaintances that tolerate each other because they have friends in common.

"I'd rather ask Ava, thank you," he smiled sarcastically, taking a sip of his frizzy drink. "Anyway, I think you should talk to them about this. Like, not with the simple intention of knowing what's up, but also to try and find a solution to their problem."

"I've already tried to speak to them about this, but, whatever it is, I think it's something that needs to be solved on their own." Not that I think it's possible for them to ever be friends.

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