13. Discussions

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"... so I immediately asked them what the fuck they were doing, and they both had the audacity to say 'nothing' when I literally caught them about to get dirty on my own fucking gym's floor. Can you believe it?" Reagan rambled on the seat next to mine.

"Oh no, I can't believe that happened to you," I replied uninterestedly, more focused on the road ahead of me instead of worrying about the issues he had with his workers.

"Thanks for the concern, Noah, I love you too," he deadpanned and went to grab a packet of cookies from the bag that was resting on his lap.

"I dare you to rip that wrapper off and eat those in my car," I hissed.

He instantly dropped it back onto his bag and raised his hands up in mock surrender.

"Chill, man. I wouldn't dare to stain your precious car."

"You better not."

"Anyways," he spoke after a few seconds, "are you sure about this? Wasn't this Sophia girl your friend or something like that?"

"It's Sophie," I corrected him.

"Whatever her name is."

"And yes, she's my friend. Why does that fact keep me from having a chat with her?"

"Just asking, because whatever it is that you need to talk about is the same reason why you've been so serious for the whole ride." He paused to study my expression. "And maybe instead of chatting, you'll yell at each other."

I sighed. He was right, Sophie was the reason why I've been bothered for the whole morning. But the conversation I had with Ava yesterday was what pushed to me be driving towards her house today.

I still remember the betrayal I felt when I heard those words leave my mother's lips. «Sophie told us» she had said after I asked them how they knew. After putting so much effort on hiding it ever since the school year began, now they know because Sophie can't keep her mouth shut.

Of course, my parents adored Sophie since she was the daughter of their dear friends and would never hesitate in believing whatever she tells them. Many would even dare to say that she's got a better relationship with them than with me. Throughout the years, I've grown to feel some kind of affection towards her, both of us knowing what it was like to grow up being the children of business tycoons and heirs to their empires, and I can comfortably call her a friend. But still, she was another thing that reminded me how much control my parents had. In fact, the only friend I had made by myself was Hayden when we both were in middle school and aspired to be on the football's team; Sophie and I were only introduced by our parents when we were mere babies, practically being forced to be friends due to the plenty of time we spent together when our parents talked about business or other stuff that didn't interest us, and Kenzie, Kiara and Rachel are friends she made and later on started hanging out with us.

I kept driving for a few minutes more while Reagan typed on his phone, probably fixing the matters he was previously talking about. Soon, we found ourselves in front of the coffee shop.

"You can get out now," I curtly said while stopping the car.

"Kindness has always been your strongest trait, dear Noah," he commented sarcastically while burying his phone inside his hoodie's pocket and looking out of the window to see we had arrived to his destination.

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