18. Escape Plan

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Step after step, I walked through the deserted hallways of the mansion. I was constantly turning around, checking every corner I turned, ensuring I wasn't being followed nor was I seen by any maid or resident of the house. My heart was beating rapidly inside my rib cage and every cell in my body told me that this was a bad idea, but it was too late to change my mind now.

I didn't even know where I was going. I had only had time to memorize the way from the front door to Noah's room and backwards, which only worsened my situation. Heck, I didn't even know where I was now. I always thought it was hard to find your way on my house, but this mansion was truly a maze. To me, all the hallways looked the same, every door could lead me to all kind of rooms, and that only increased my suspicions about what they could be hiding inside of here.

It wasn't until I reached the double doors I was sure would lead somewhere important that I stopped walking. Looking at both sides one last time, I neared my ear to the door, trying to listen if anyone was inside. I didn't hear a sound, a voice or even a soft breath. Fear of it being a soundproof room stroke me, but I ignored the thought and held the knob.

Just as I was about to twist it, my arm stilled and refused to keep moving. 'Fight me on everything else, whatever you want, I don't care, but please just for once listen to me. Can you do what I'm asking?' Noah's words, the reason why this door still isn't open, rang through my mind as a reminder. I knew it was wrong, I knew it was dishonest from me to ignore the promise I made to him and use the opportunity he gave me for my own benefit. But, if there was something I had learnt, it's that sometimes you need to stop thinking of others because they will not think of you when the time comes. Even if it feels wrong.

«Do not fool yourself, you did not want to come here to finish a project and you know that» my subconscious scolded.

Much against my own will, I twisted the doorknob, only to let out a frustrated huff afterwards per seeing these doors were locked. Checking my surroundings for the hundredth time, I slipped one arm out of the straps of my bag and took one clip out of it. Molding it with my teeth, I gave it the desired shape, so I tried to pick on the door. I put my ear close to the lock, hearing a couple of clicks

The sound of footsteps approaching the same hallway I was standing at made my heart stop for a second. My breath hitched and my hands froze, still holding onto the clip to open the locked door. Snapping out of my thoughts, realizing that if I didn't act now I would be doomed, I promptly stood from my slightly crouched position and scurried away from the door. I frantically looked around, searching for a spot to hide before whoever was coming here saw me.

My eyes lit up and I couldn't help but allow hope —that awful feeling I hate so much— swarm through me when I saw the perfect spot. I hurriedly skipped towards said spot, hiding myself behind the long curtain that covered the window on the end of the hallway. I started practicing the familiar breathing exercises to calm myself, trying to be as silent as possible. One wrong move and the consequences my actions could lead into something so worse I preferred not to think about it.

I held my breath when I heard the footsteps were getting closer and closer, watching as the feet that probably belonged to a maid walked past my hiding spot. Releasing a breath I didn't even know I was holding, I was about to step out from behind the curtains; however, I stopped myself when I heard another set of footsteps approaching, this time being firmer and more confident.

I couldn't stop my curious side, the one that was pleading me to discreetly take a peek without being seen. A man around my father's age, dressed in a fancy suit, was walking through the hallways as if he owned this entire mansion —he probably did—. He reached the same doors I had been trying to open just a minute ago, stopping in front of them while he searched for something inside the suit's pocket. Few seconds later, he got out a shiny, silver key, a key he introduced on the lock I was trying to pick on and opened the door, allowing me to catch a small glimpse of a home office.

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