08. Hangover

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"Can you pretty please forgive me?" Cole begged for the sixth time this morning.

"I've already told you there's nothing to forgive, Cole, but I swear I will start having a problem with you if you don't shut the fuck up," I groaned while massaging my temples.

I took the Advil Leah had placed on my nightstand after we arrived home last night and swallowed it with a small gulp of water. This headache was really killing me, not to mention I was feeling so tired I could lay on bed for the whole day and not have a single complaint. I don't think I'll be drinking again.

"You should be furious with me. I left you alone at that party to get some with that boy. I know you assured me it was fine, but it was not! Look at what almost happened," he continued.

"Key word's there, Cole. Almost. Nothing happened and nothing would've happened if Noah hadn't come. I'm not mad at you. Now, shut up," I grumbled, burying my face in the pillow of my bed until something crossed my mind. The mere thought made me look at Cole as if he were my worst enemy. "Why do you look so fresh while I'm here dealing with this hangover?"

He flashed me a cheeky smile, slightly shrugging his shoulders. "Some people are just more susceptible to hangovers than others." Lucky bastard.

My bathroom's door opened and out of it exited Leah, who walked up to my bed and sat down next to my legs, Cole sitting on the other side.

"Is he still apologizing?" she asked, nodding towards Cole as if he was not here.

"Of course I am, I have to make sure my bestie forgives me," he replied before turning my way. "I'm forgiven, right?"

"Yes, Cole," I said, my voice muffled by my pillow.

"How are you feeling?" Leah's worried voice filled my ears.

"Honestly?" She hummed. "I feel as if I've been run over by a track after someone had been banging my head against the wall for hours, but I'll survive."

"Well, don't be offended but you look like shit."

I looked at Cole. "Thank you for your kind words."

"You never got to tell us what you and Sophie spoke about," Leah changed the topic.

"Do not even remind me of that bitch," I gritted.

Hearing her name was already enough to dampen my mood. Her words and actions from yesterday still lingered in my mind. The way she spoke to me as if she wasn't used to people not doing whatever she wanted them to, as if she had control over everything, it angered me. She's always given me bad vibes, yet I never expected to create such problems for me.

"What did she do?" Cole asked with furrowed eyebrows, the sudden seriousness his tone had gained taking me by surprise.

"She wants me to stay away from Noah."


I sat up in bed and leaned against my headboard to look at my best friends, grimacing when my headache intensified with my movements. Both Leah and Cole were staring at me with utter confusion, not that I blame them as I myself have some doubts.

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