42. Spy

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I waited patiently in front of the White manor's entrance while trying to calm myself down. My shaky hands carefully straightened up my skirt before moving up to fix my hair. «Cool down, Ava, it's just another hangout with Noah. That's all» I said to myself while taking a deep breath.

Not even a minute later, the wooden door in front of me was opened and Noah's body came to view. I had to physically restrain myself from gasping. He looked stunning to say the least. Dressed in casual wear, he still could pull it off so perfectly you would think he came straight out of a modeling agency. Maybe that was just his charm; I have to admit Noah is a very attractive boy. My eyes shamelessly skimmed over his body, taking a little longer than they should probably have.

"Hi, Ava." His voice broke me out of my thoughts and I immediately snapped my gaze back to his. His lips held a tiny smirk. Please, tell me he hasn't just caught me staring.

"Hi, Noah," I greeted him back, ignoring that awkward moment.

He moved aside and signaled for me to walk in with his hand. Giving him a tight-lipped smile, I clutched my bag and stepped inside. However, just as I was passing by him, his hand gently latched onto my forearm. Frowning, I looked up to meet his heated gaze staring down at me.

"Ava, you-." He cleared his throat before continuing. Surprisingly, he seemed nervous, more than I've ever seen him. "You look gorgeous."

I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks at his compliment and I found myself silently wishing that my blush wasn't too prominent, at least not enough for him to notice. I don't think I'll ever get used to the way he makes me feel whenever he compliments me.

I cleared my throat and straightened my back, trying to regain my composure and hide the fact that his words were actually doing something to me. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself," I hummed.

A chuckle escaped his lips as he let go of my arm and closed the front door. "Too bad? Are you implying that I don't look good?"

"Well," I trailed off as I walked further into the foyer. He looked way more than good, but that is something I wasn't going to admit out loud.

A hearty laugh escaped my lips when I turned around and saw his deadpan look. "Annoying you is just so easy."

"I don't think it's that easy. I think it's that you've already picked up on how to do it."

"What can I say? I guess I'm just a smart girl," I retorted.

"Sometimes too much for your own good." He playfully rolled his eyes at me. "Anyways, I still have a few things to do before we can leave. Would you mind waiting for a couple of minutes?"

I shrugged. "We'll leave whenever you say. It's your house."

"Yeah, it is because for whatever reason you almost begged me not to pick you up at yours," he huffed. Because there was no way the dozens of heavily-armed guards surrounding the mansion would go unnoticed by you, because you would instantly become suspicious. "What are you even hiding there?" he joked.

"That's a secret," I joked back, forcing a small chuckle out to conceal my sudden nervousness before changing the topic. "Maybe I'll invite you to my house one day, just not today."

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