17. The White's Mansion

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"What is she doing here?" Those were the first words that escaped Noah's lips the moment he saw me approaching his car along with his brother.

Charlie smiled nervously and fidgeted with the straps of his bag, shifting his weight from one feet to the other as he thought of something to tell his older brother. Meanwhile, I gave Noah my sweetest smile while he stared directly at the boy next to me, waiting for an explanation.

"U-Uh, well," he stammered before clearing his throat. "I invited her over," he spat out.

In no way would I have liked to be in Charlie's place judging by the glare he received from his brother. I don't know what the problem was exactly, whether it was me going to their home or Charlie inviting me without consulting it with him before, but it surely didn't brighten Noah's day.

I heard the boy next to me gulp under the scrutinizing gaze he was under, but before I could say anything for myself, Charlie was already explaining himself.

"You told me you were doing a project. Isn't this a nice time for you to get it done?" he suggested with a nervous laugh, avoiding my gaze at all cost. He tricked me, that's what he thinks at least, though what he didn't know is that I let myself be tricked by him, and I'm not even mad about it so avoiding me is not necessary.

The way both White brothers were having a silent conversation through their eyes almost had me stunned. It kind of reminded me of every time either Damien or I got in trouble and allied to get each other's back when we had to confront our dad about it. It was a type of agreement between siblings and it really demonstrated me that these two were close.

Noah sighed exasperatedly in the end, glancing at me before looking back at his brother with a tired look. I have no idea how, but Charlie seemed to have managed to convince him.

"Just get in the car," he mumbled and sat himself inside.

Charlie grinned in victory and beckoned me to sit on the passenger seat in the front, next to Noah. Once we were all inside and buckled up, the latter started driving towards their house.

Even if it wasn't a long ride, I couldn't help the anxiousness that grew at the pit of my stomach. My fingers were constantly drumming on my thigh, my teeth nibbling on my lower lip, and my eyes constantly wandered outside to help distract myself.

I knew my motive for this sudden nervousness was the importance this visit to the White mansion had for my mission, but I was rather shocked when I looked at Noah and took notice that his state was similar to mine. His whole body was tense, he had been clenching and unclenching his jaw and the way he held the steering wheel hinted me that nerves were also eating him alive. I lightly frowned, thinking of all the reasons why he could be feeling this way, but found none, which only made me more confused.

Few minutes later, the car finally came to a halt. We all got out of the car and I looked up, being met with an impressive, modern-looking mansion. A set of stairs leaded to the wide front door, the entrance to the two-storey building in front of me that I couldn't help but admire.

A man suddenly came up to us and took the car keys from Noah, who nodded at him and allowed him to drive his car towards what I guess was the garage. Meanwhile, an overly-excited Charlie came up to me and, gently grabbing my wrist, pulled me towards the house with Noah following behind.

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