27. Fury

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Sophie got expelled for three days for breaking one of the most serious rules of this school. It could have been more time, so much more, but I guess money does have a say in everything.

To say Christopher and Anastasia Wilson were angry and disappointed at their daughter when the principal called them and filled them in would be an understatement. But, if there was something they cared more about rather than Sophie's actions, that would be the effect on their name's image and reputation those would have. They had something to fix that though; they had money, they had power, they had influence. It only took waving a few bills in front of the principal's face and a very generous donation to the school in order to reduce Sophie's punishment to the minimum as well as taking care of the situation with the discretion the couple desired, making up the story that they made their daughter carry a gun around for her own safety after the gunfire's incident.

Even though it's only been a couple of days ever since Sophie was expelled, I have already noticed changes inside the friends group. The only ones who acted as usual were Hayden and Noah, the first one being his charming self —almost as if he was even happy to get rid of Sophie for a few days— while the latter went back to his cold demeanor. But the girls were another story. They were still civil with me, but they were more careful, more serious. Kenzie tried to be her usual cheerful persona around me, she really did, but it was obvious that half of the laughs she gave me were fake. The other two didn't even bother to joke around. I didn't need to be Sherlock to figure out that they had something to do with Sophie's plan, or at least to know about it, and their friend has probably told them that I had something to do with her wrong accusation. But I always told myself that I shouldn't care how estranged my relationship with those three girls were, all that mattered for the mission was how my relationship with Noah was.

Heaving a sigh, I tore my gaze off the window. Cole was softly humming and drumming his fingers against the steering wheel at the rhythm of the music that was playing on the radio while Leah was sitting next to him in comfortable silence, typing on her phone. Few minutes later, we were parking in front of Hayden's house with a dozen of flashbacks hitting me back like a whirlwind. At least, Sophie won't be in this party since she's grounded —or so I've heard—. At least, this time I will control my drinks.

The party had probably started around half an hour ago and it was already going crazy with everyone's shrill and excitement after our school team's victory during tonight's game, this time with no interruptions. Leah, Cole and I walked inside the house with music blasting through the loud speakers Hayden said had bought recently for such occasions. A mass of bodies swaying and dancing around welcomed us along with the strong scent of alcohol. Leah and I immediately grabbed each other's hands, not wanting to be separated by the chaos that Hayden's house was, but, before we could hold onto Cole, we saw who he had his eyes on.

"You can go," I assured him with a playful roll of eyes when I saw him about to speak.

"You sure? I don't want to leave you here alone," he hesitated.

"We'll be fine, Cole, we aren't little kids," Leah reassured him with a deadpanned expression.

Cole glanced between the both of us before casting a small glance towards the guy that was on the other side of the room. Finally, seeing we fully meant it, a grin broke into his face and he bid us goodbye, skipping towards Travis.

"Be careful!" I yelled after him.

"And don't be too loud!" Leah shouted at him before he could fully walk away, but either Cole hadn't heard her or he simply ignored her playful warning. "And he's gone," she mumbled.

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