Chapter 22: The Trick

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Chapter 22: The Trick

"Hey! Emili!" Jessica poked me in the face. It was the morning and we'd been up till four watching Disney movies. Don't judge.

"What?" I said lazily.

Jessica sat up, she was fully dressed and her make up was perfect. She looked really nice.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

She smirked.

Where was she going with this?

"The question is, where are WE going!" Jessica said in a taunting voice. "Now get your clothes and make up on! And dress nice!"

I stumbled tiredly towards the bathroom to do my hair and make up.

I straightened my brown hair and grabbed my make up bag.

I took out my liquid eyeliner and mascara and applied it carefully.

Then I put on some red lipstick and blusher. There.

"Hurry up!" Jessica complained.

"I'll just be a minute!" I replied loudly.

I flicked through my clothes until I found some white shorts, a pastel blue crop top and blue heels.

I walked back into the room twirling. "Ta - da!" I announced proudly.

"Nice job, sista!" Jessica laughed, high fiving me.

"So now tell me, where are we going?!"

Jessica winked. "You'll see. Now follow me!"

I followed her to the car and sat in the back. Jessica then wrapped a blindfold around my eyes.

"What's this for?" I said worriedly.

"It's just to keep the destination a secret!" reassured Jessica.

I nodded and rested my head in my hands.

Where could we be going?

A few moments later, we arrived at the destination.

It was very loud; there was lots of screaming and.... singing?

"Now," said Jessica happily, "open your eyes."

I took off the blindfold to see Felix on the stage, looking at me as if I were the most beautiful thing in the world.


I watched as Emili took off her blindfold and gazed in shock up at the stage. If possible, she'd become even more beautiful.

I shook myself out of my chance and spoke into my microphone.

"Hey, everyone. Now, there is a very special girl in this crowd that I would like to come up here, please. Emili?" I said.

Jessica pushed Emili onto the stage, who had a mix of emotions in her eyes. Anger, sadness and another one I couldn't quite place.

"Thank you, Jessica," I said. "Now, this girl Emili was once my girlfriend, and she was very special. I messed up big time. When I came back to Sweden, I went out with another girl. And that was the biggest mistake of my life. So, Emili, I have a song for you."

When I finished, the crowd 'awwwwed' and I grabbed my guitar and sat on a stool in the middle of the stage, with the spotlight on me.

I began to sing.

"Listen honey, to every word I say
I know that you don't trust me
But I'm better than the stories about me
Everybody messes up some days
Ain't got no rhyme or reason
All I know is I'm yours, yours, yours for every season

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