Chapter 10: The Silent Treatment

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Chapter 10: The Silent Treatment


I woke up feeling elated, and for a moment, I couldn't remember why.

Then the events of last night came flooding back to me. Felix and I kissed!

I put on a light layer of make up before throwing on some white shorts and a pastel blue crop top, with some light blue high heels to match.

I shoved down my breakfast in a rather un-ladylike manner, but you know, dudes before food, right?

Hang on, I'm saying that wrong. Oh well, just roll with it.

I hopped out of my car and walked into school, to see Felix.

I grinned happily at him, and started to make my way over to him.

Felix just turned away and gave the tiniest shake of his head.


My whole world came crashing down around my ears.

Was it something I did?

Shall I hurt myself again?

A hundred questions filled my head, and for the whole morning I was distracted.

Luckily, I only got picked on once, in the class before lunch. Math. Ugh.

"Hmmm. Emilia! What is the square root of pi equal to?" Mrs Lee yelled. (A/N: The correct answer is 22/7 for all you fact-loving people out there)

I snapped out of my daze.

"Emmm... 7/22? Wait, ... Errrrrr...."

Mrs Lee glared at me, obviously not impressed.

"Incorrect, Emilia. Perhaps you might find it easier if you payed attention in my class, rather than staring into space?"

I nodded absently, not really listening.

Before anyone could give Mrs Lee the right answer, the bell rang and we all rushed out to lunch, me trailing behind everyone else.

I got lunch and sat down at a table on my own like a complete loner.

Suddenly, another tray hit the table next to mine.

"Jessica! But where's-"

Another tray, then another, then another!

I felt like crying with happiness.

Judging by the look on their faces, they knew exactly what happened.

"Hi!" said Jessica conversationally, Omar's arm around her waist.

"Do you guys-"

"Yeah," Oscar nodded, "and we're giving him the silent treatment till he apologises."

"So guys, if he sits down, don't speak to him, alright?" OG finished off.

Omar chuckled. "OG we know what-"

"Sh!" Jessica cut him off, gesturing to the approaching boy.

Of course it had to be Felix.

He sat down like nothing was wrong, but everyone glared at him, including me.

"What?" Felix asked.

I can't believe this! He's so sly, acting as if he hasn't done anything.

That little...

Felix tried several times to make a conversation, but no one would answer him.

Finally, he gave up, and just kept quiet.

The afternoon passed in a blur, but as I was leaving I got a text from Jessica.

(J= Jessica, E= Emili)

J- Hey! I'm going on a date with Omar tonite, but I just wanted to make sure u were ok? I can cancel? Xx

E- I'm fine, don't worry about me! Enjoy ur time with lovely ol' Omar! Xx

J- Thanks hun! Wish me luck! Xx

E- No, thank YOU! Good luck xx

I flopped onto my bed and thought about what had happened.

My brain was in meltdown!

What a day!



Another chapter!

I updated quick!

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Love you,

Francesca xx

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