Chapter 11: No

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Chapter 11: No

Later that night, my phone rang.

I picked it up and checked the caller ID.

Felix. Ugh.

I don't answer it and continued scouring YouTube for Zoella videos, however, a monte later it ran again.

Then again.

Then again.

Then again.

It began to annoy me so much that I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said in a bored voice.

"Emili! I was just wondering what I had done wrong?" Felix said happily.

How is that even remotely possible?

"What have you done wrong?! Felix, I doth think you GET it! It's just one thing after another, isn't it?!" I nearly shouted.

"Hey, I'm not the one who was ignoring someone at lunchtime!" he replied in the same loud voice.

"Yeah, like you've never done it before! I hate you!" I yelled, properly shouting this time, crying at the same time.

"You know what? I'm done here!" Felix shouted back, hanging up the phone.

How could he?


I dropped the phone, shaking with anger and resentment. Emili was being so unfair! How could she?

I called Oscar, because I knew Omar was on a date with Jessica.

"Hey, Oscar, can I talk to you?" I asked hesitantly.

Should I tell him?

"Sure bro! What is it?" Oscar answered lazily.

Thank the God of this green potato that he'd forgotten the Silent Treatment rule.

"Well, Emilia and I fought badly, because apparently I'd made her upset and she tried to blame me!"

The line went silent, but Oscar soon spoke.

"Felix, you obviously don't get it. You keep pushing Emili away, then blaming her. You keep rejecting her. And someday, she's not gonna come back."

"I'll call you back." I said.

What if Oscar was right?

Was I being horrible?

Was I just as bad as Katie and Maddie?

What should I do?


I threw myself onto my bed face down.

What did I keep doing to make Felix cross?

What was so wrong with me?

"EMILIA!" my mom called.

"Yeah Mom?" I yelled back.

"Honey, dinners ready!"

I slumped down the stairs half-sulkily and half-lazily.

When I sat down at the table, my brother Mikey was already sitting there in his dirty football kit, his adorable brown hair sticking up EVERYWHERE. He's only nine.

"Hey Emili!" Mikey shouted excitedly, grinning innocently at me.

I waved back at him half-heartedly.

He dropped his voice to a whisper. "What's wrong?"

I rolled my eyes, making him giggle. "Just boy trouble."

Mikey nodded wisely, which made ME laugh, so that one side of the table was just a laughing mess.

After a dinner of spaghetti bolognese, I took a shower quickly, before changing pyjamas with pugs on them.

I fell into bed thinking about the day's events. Well, Felix and fought, I didn't pay attention in class and I was just sad.

How delightfully happy!



I am soooooooo sorry that this chapter was so boring! It's leading up to something big, I promise!😊😉

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Thanks loads😘

Love you,

Francesca xx

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