Chapter 15: I Can't Believe You

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Chapter 15: I Can't Believe You

Just as I was walking out of the school gates, Felix grabbed my arm. I turned around in surprise.

Felix scratched his neck nervously before starting to speak.

"Um... Emili?"

"Yeah?" I asked, trying not to laugh at how nervous he was. It was so cute!

"Shall we... Um... Go somewhere?" Felix ventured slowly.


"Sure," I replied, "where d'you wanna go?"

"Well," Felix began, "I know this really good pizza restaurant..."

I smiled reassuringly at him. "Then let's go!"

"Race you to the car!" he yelled childishly, running at full pelt towards his car, me overtaking him at the last second.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Haha!" I shouted.

Felix shook his head and opened the car door for me. "Beginners luck," He muttered.

I giggled, making Felix laugh.

"What?" I asked, still giggling.

Felix smiled at me. "You're so cute when you giggle."

I blushed as he started the engine of the car.

"Onwards!" I said loudly as the car pulled out of the school gates.

We drove for five minutes, just listening to the radio, and then we arrived.

"Here we are," Felix grinned happily.

It was obvious he loved this place.

He led me inside, holding my hand until we got the door, when he abruptly let go of it.


"Foooers." Felix pointed at three girls who had begun to scream at the sight of him.

"Go ahead," I waved my hand towards them in annoyance. "Take some pictures."

Felix jogged over to them and began to snap a couple of pictures, only coming back when the waiter came.

"Ah, Master Felix. Have you two decided what you would like to eat?" he asked, smiling kindly down at me.

"Emm, I'll have Pepperoni pizza, please." I announced.

Felix glanced down at the menu swiftly before speaking.

"I'd like the Four Cheese pizza, please."

The waiter nodded and strode over to the kitchen, where he told the busy cooks what we wanted.

I tried to get Felix to engage in conversation, but he kept having to answer a random question from the Foooers in the corner.

By the time I'd finished my food and Felix hadn't spoken to me once throughout the whole night, I was getting mad.

I swung my bag over my shoulder, and stood up.

"Felix, I'll just make my own way home."

He looked surprised, shocked even, but he accompanied me out to his car and got in it.

"Hey." Felix brushed my shoulder. "What's the matter?"

I turned around sharply and glared at him.

"Are you actually serious, Felix? What's the matter? Well, you take me on a date, then we have to pretend like we're not a couple, and you ignore me the whole time!"

"Emilia, that's unfair. You can't just complain because-"

I didn't here the rest of what he was saying because I slammed the car door and stormed angrily home. That asshole!


Hi hi!

Did you like it?

I updated a bit later than I originally was gonna, so I'm sorry!

Well, I hope you enjoyed it!

I have it all planned out, and it's not going to be finished anytime soon!

I really enjoy writing this, so thank you to all my readers!😀

Love you,

Francesca xx

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