Chapter 21: People Change

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Chapter 21: People Change

*A month later*

I lay on my bed having an animated conversation with Jessica, who'd come round for a sleepover.

We'd both changed, like, A LOT.

My brown hair had grown much longer and it now had rainbow tips, and Jessica's black hair had blue highlights.

We still kept in touch with the boys, but not Felix. Omar and Jessica were still dating, too.

Sometimes I felt a little bit resentful, because they had such a perfect relationship and I had no-one. But I soon brushed that feeling off.

"You know Felix?" said Jessica nonchalantly.

I immediately stiffened. The memory of him kissing Sadie still played in my mind, hurting just as much as it did a moment ago. The pain didn't fade.

"Yeah. Why?" I replied, curious to see why she was bringing him up out of the blue.

"Well, I've always thought you two should get back together! I mean, c'mon, you're perfect for each other."

I rolled my eyes playfully, punching her jokingly. "So whaddya wanna do?" I asked.

"We could go ice-skating?" suggested Jessica.

I jumped up excitedly. "Yes yes yes yes!" I squealed.

"Well you'd better change!" Jessica laughed.

I looked down at my clothes. She DID have a point there.

"Okay, wait one second!"

I rushed into my walk-in closet, and looked though my clothes, finally picking out a pair of grey jeans, UGG boots, a blue G-lay and pink cardi, with a black 'The Fooo Conspiracy' tee.

And yes I do know it's weird that I still love my ex-boyfriend's band. But my best friends are in it, so it's not that weird. Okay it is.

"Ready!" I yelled, jumping down the stairs three at a time.

Jessica opened the door. "Let's go!" she cheered.


I sat at a table at diner, looking across at Sadie. She would never be the same as Emili. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself that I was over her, I still loved Emili. It was an emotion I couldn't control.

"Felix!" said Sadie, in boredom. "Are you gonna talk to me?"

I just shrugged.

She picked up her bag and slammed out the diner. Trust Sadie...

I'd changed SO much.

I'd had a haircut, my hair was shorter now. And I'd become more withdrawn since Emilia left.

I missed her... So much.

I didn't really play with the guys anymore. I felt really bad, but I couldn't help it.

Emili was the only thing on my mind these days. I had to get her back. She changed me for the better.

I texted Jessica, who I often texted to ask if she had any ideas on how to get me and Emili back together.

(F=Felix, J=Jessica)

F: Any ideas?

J: Yes! Just thought of one!

F: What!?

J: Well somehow we could get her to one of your concerts in America and you could sing her a song! Any song ideas?

F: Seasons by Olly Murs!

J: Perfect! I'll plan everything from here, you just get ready!

I put my phone on my pocket. This has to work! I can't imagine myself with another girl.



What did you guys think?

This chapter feels so devious for some reason!

Are y'all looking forward to the next update?

It'll come soon, I promise!

Love you,

Francesca xx

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