Chapter 7: Leave Me Alone

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Chapter 7: Leave Me Alone

I ran as fast as I could to the field.

I arrived at the clearing panting, but someone was already there. Omar.

"Omar?" I queried.

"Oh hey Emili!" said Omar, looking surprised.

"So," I began, "how do you know about this place?"

Omar blushed.

"Well actually I've been coming here since like, forever. Then one day someone mysteriously provided food and a radio!"

I laughed along with him. It felt good to laugh again.

Omar glanced edgily at the way back through the field, and I caught on.


"Omar!" I exclaimed! "You didn't?"

Omar shrugged nervously and continued to gaze at that same stop.

A few moments later, a familiar figure stumbled into the clearing. What did Omar do?!

Tears began to form in my eyes. From the minute this boy came into my life, he's brought nothing but trouble. I'd've been better off just dying instead of him finding me. Well there's an idea...


Felix was nearly yelling at me, snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I said, irritated.

"I-" Felix tried to say.

I cut him off angrily. "You know what Felix? Just LEAVE ME ALONE! Don't you get it? You're just hurting me!"

Felix began, "Look-"

"NO! Just GO, will you!" I stormed to the other end of the clearing, tears falling thick and fast down my face. I'd wait until they were gone...

Omar gave me a knowing look and led Felix away. He's so kind.

The minute they left, I dug beneath the radio, and brought out the box in which I kept my blades.

I'd actually only used them once, and it hurt like hell. I hated them, but now I had a reason to use them.

Removing them carefully from the box, I shakily rolled up my sleeve, digging the blade into my wrist and dragging it up.

I screamed, and heard running footsteps, then sirens.

Then I blacked out.


I woke up and everything was blurry. I rubbed my eyes and reopened them.

I was in a hospital room again, and about a million and one people were waiting around me.

Felix, Oscar, OG, Omar, Mom, my teacher, my grandparents and a couple of people from school.

First of all, Mom talked to me.

Finally, it was Felix's turn.

"Hey." He said in a sad tone.

I nodded; it was a bit painful to speak.

"Emili, why do you do that? What was your motive?"

I shrugged, not exactly wanting to answer that question.

Felix gazed at my eyes, and leaned in.

To... Kiss me?

I shoved him away.

Felix looked surprised and a bit hurt.

"You idiot!" I screamed, "You have a girlfriend, and we're not even friends!"

Felix studied the ground.

"Leave me ALONE." I said, for the very last time.

Felix walked out, and for once I didn't care.

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