Chapter 19: I Thought We Were Forever

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Chapter 19: I Thought We Were Forever

I was just strapping myself into the seat of the plane when Jessica tapped my shoulder from my right side.

"I can't believe we're going to visit the boys in Sweden!" Jessica exclaimed excitably.

It'd been three weeks since Felix had left, and we'd called each other like a HUNDRED times! We were going to visit them as a surprise, but Oscar and OG knew about it.

An hour into the hour and a half flight, I got a text from OG.

(O=OG, E=Emili)

O: Felix has just gone to the Igluu coffee shop, so just head straight there when you land. Omar's there 2

E: Thanks bro

O: No probs

When we landed, I told Jessica what OG told me, and we jumped straight in a taxi and headed to Igluu.

The streets were so beautiful, fresh snow had fallen on the rooftops, and the village looked like something you'd find on the front of a Christmas card.

Jessica and I quietly opened the door to the coffee shop, and I spotted Felix in the corner straight away.

Except... He was with another girl?

They chatted, laughing, before they leaned in and kissed.

It killed me. My heart was torn in two. How could he do this to me?

I was only vaguely aware of a few stray tears escaping my eyes. It hurt... More than anything.

I walked slowly up to the table.

"Hey, Felix!" I said, mocking him.

Seeing me shocked him, I could see it on his face. "Oh, hi Emili. Sadie, this is Emili, my .... friend. Emili, this is my girlfriend, Sadie."

Hearing him say those words made me feel like I never had felt before. It killed me, I couldn't take it.

"I thought we were forever..." I said sadly, and quietly enough so that only Felix could here.

I didn't stick around after that. I marched out of the shop, me head held high, holding my tears in until I got out of the shop.

I slid to the ground, my head in my hands, sobbing my heart out.

I knew I was worthless... Of course I was just a summer fling. What would someone like him want with someone like me?

I was ridiculous for thinking that he actually loved me... But what would I do now? That boy was my LIFE! I would be completely and utterly lost.

I felt someone put a hand on my back. Jessica.

"Honey, what happened?" she asked with concern evident in her voice.

I gazed at her. "Felix...with...Sadie...not me....thought he loved me..." That was all I managed to choke out.

Jessica rubbed my back soothingly, murmuring words of comfort.

What would I do without her?

About half an hour later, Jessica spoke, waking me from my nightmarish thoughts.

" wanna go back home?" Jessica inquired.

She's so sweet! But she has to stay with Omar!

"You stay, I'll go. You've got Omar. I'll be fine, don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

"Sure!" I tried my hardest to sound okay.

She nodded and returned to the shop.

Well I'd better call a-




Please don't kill me coz I broke them up!

I swear, things WILL get better!


I actually cried writing that chapter, partly because I was listening to a super sad song, and partly because that was a super sad chapter.

BTW, the song is called 'Talking To The Moon' by Bruno Mars. Go check it out? XD

Love you all,

Francesca xx

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