Chapter 3: Back To School

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Chapter 3: Back To School

I woke up and rubbed my eyes wearily. Sitting up, I gazed around at my surroundings. Great. I was still in hospital.

Moments later, a nurse walked in.

"Hello, Emilia. You are going to be discharged today, which means you can go straight to school. Okay? I'll give you a few minutes to get your stuff together then you can head out."

I was outraged. What?! Maddie and Katie were going to KILL me when I went back. I'll just have to bunk off.

Bang! The door burst open and revealed Felix.

"Hey," he said gently. "I figured you might need a ride to school."

I nodded but didn't look at him. Damn! He ruined my plans.

Quickly, I jumped off the bed and headed out the door.

"Well?" I snapped. "You coming or not?"

Felix hurried after me and opened the door to his car.

I shut it and walked round to the other side to get in the back.

Once we were in the car, Felix turned around.

"Emilia. What's wrong? And don't you dare tell me it's nothing cause I can see it's something." he said in a loud voice.

Can he not SEE that I'll just be hurt again? God, how dumb can boys GET?

I shrugged and smiled, pretending I was just in a bad mood. "I guess I just hate school, that's all," I grinned.

Felix seemed satisfied with that answer and continued driving to school.

When we got there, I walked into school by myself, not wanting to attract attention in case of Maddie and Katie seeing me.

Felix was swift though, he hurried behind me and kept up with me.

Suddenly, a girl came out of nowhere and pecked Felix on the cheek. The heck? That's Katie!

Katie smirked evilly at me before turning to Felix. "So who's your friend?" she simpered.

Felix smiled at Katie before saying, "This is Emilia. Hey, Emilia, wanna sit with me and Katie at lunch?"

I thought I was gonna be sick. If this was who Felix hung around with, then I couldn't be his friend.

Without answering, I ra off and flew through the school gates. I knew where I was going. To the field.

The field was filled with really tall grass, but in the very centre there was a small clearing. I'd done very thing I could to make sure none could find the clearing, so that it was mine.

I had put a radio there, a sofa and some small food and drink supplies. Often, I told my mum I was staying at a friends but I slept there. It was comforting.

I trekked through the grass, onto the path that I worked so hard to keep unknown. Then, I turned off the path, onto the winding way I had memorised.

Moments later, I was standing in the middle of the clearing, cracking open a can of Pepsi.

Sighing in content, I tuned the radio to the station that played pop songs.

'Cheerleader' by Omi came on. Yes! I got into position and began to perform the routine I had practise so many times. It felt good to dance again.

About an hour later, dusk was falling and I realised that I had to get home, or Mum would worry. And ground me.

I jogged through the field until I saw the gate that led onto my street.

I sprinted to my house, but stopped at the door. I could hear voices coming from the porch.

"Yes, she just ran off." Felix!

Then my mum spoke. "She does that sometimes. I wouldn't worry."

"But when will she come back?" persisted Felix.

Might as well make it now, I thought, and turned the handle of the door.

Felix jumped when he saw me, but my mum just smiled.

Before Felix could catch me, I ran into my room and locked the door.

Felix pounded on it. "Emilia, you have to talk to me."

I switched on my laptop. "Actually, I don't." I replied, taunting him.

Felix tried the handle of the door. "Emilia, please. You're gonna have to tell me what's wrong someday."

I clicked on Tumblr and began looking through my feed. "Nope, I won't." I answered in a sing-song voice.

I heard footsteps down the stairs and Felix saying bye to my mom. Phew. He's gone.

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