Chapter 9: Wow

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Chapter 9: Wow

"Felix, what are you doing here?" I inquired wearily.

Felix gestured for me to come over to him.

"Emili, I'm sorry, okay? Omar told me everything, and I really am sorry! I just-"


A tall blonde person stumbled in it the clearing, followed by a very angry - looking person.

"Oh, Katie!" said Felix in a surprised tone.

Jessica looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, Emili, I tried to stop her."

I smiled gratefully at her and gave her a hug. "Thanks. Don't be sorry! Thanks so much! But how did you know she was coming?"

Jessica took a deep breath. "Well, she's sorta kinda maybe my cousin."

Then she blushed.

"It's okay," I murmured.

Katie was in the middle of a heated conversation with Felix.

"SO THEN WHY DID YOU BREAK UP WITH ME?! IF IT'S NOT BECAUSE OF THIS UGLY CREATURE THEN WHY?!" Katie yelled, she was extremely red in the face.

Jessica stepped in between them.

"Um, excuse me, but last time I checked Emili was as beautiful as beautiful can be! Maybe you just looked in the mirror!" Jessica said calmly, making it all the more effective.

"Thanks again, Jessica! You're so awesome!" I thanked her.

She blushed and held her arms out for a hug.

Of course I joined her! I mean, who can resist a hug?

I looked back at the others and Felix was yelling at Katie to go away. At least he's sticking up for me. I think?

Jessica winked at me and dragged Katie away. That girl is now my new favourite person!

"Hey, Emilia, as I was saying..." he trailed off.

I smiled at him.

"It's okay Felix, I under-"

He cut me off by putting his lips on mine.

I smiled through the kiss, and he did the same.

We broke away, grinning like idiots.

"Well, I gotta go, so... See you at school?" I smiled hopefully.

"Sure!" Felix replied. "See you!"

I walked back home feeling happier than I had in a while.

Wow! That was fun.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow.


I was so happy!!!

On the journey back to my house, I texted my friend Danny from school.

(F= Felix, D = Danny)

F- Guess what!

D- What?

F- I just kissed Emilia!!!

D- Dude, she's an unpopular. She'll totally down ur popularity!

F- your right... Well I have to think about this! C u 2morrow!

D- C ya!

I chucked my phone on my bed. Danny was right!

But what could I do that wouldn't hurt Emili's feelings?

I sat on my bed for ages trying to decide what to do, then an idea popped into my head.

I could pretend like the kiss never happened, and then still be friends!


I felt so clever.

After eating a dinner of pasta, I showered and literally fell into bed.

What a day!!



Hey hey!

How are y'all liking the new chapter?

I'll update soon, I promise!

Hopefully tomorrow 😄😄

Love you,

Francesca xx

P.S: Are these chapters long enough? Xx

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