Chapter 16: Please...

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Chapter 16: Please

I woke up the next morning feeling sad. Of course I did. Felix and I fought.

I brushed my teeth slowly, thinking about the previous day's events. How could Felix do this to me? It was almost like.... Never mind.

The doorbell rang and I rushed down to answer it, because Mikey and Mom couldn't because they were at one of Mikey's soccer games.

I opened the door, peeking my head out. It was Felix. I made to shut the door, but he put his foot in between.

"Emili, please." Felix said desperately.

I leant my head against the door, the tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Felix. I- I can't do this...." I trailed off.

He looked like he was about to cry. "NO! Emili, please, come on, just listen to me."

"I- I can't, okay? You don't get it." I hiccuped.

Felix sighed sadly. "Well, if you won't talk to me, just... take this... Okay? Promise me you won't forget me."

"Goodbye, Felix."

I shut the door, sliding down against it sobbing. It wasn't fair! It just wasn't.

I took a look at the thing Felix had handed me. It was a CD. What....

I quickly threw on some clothes; just a pastel tank top and some black jeans, before putting the CD in the player and settling down to listen.

Felix's voice came out of the speaker.

"Emilia, I am so so sorry. I-I've come to realise that, I don't just like you... I NEED you. So... Please..."

His voice trailed off and he started singing.

"I'm always wondering why everybody
goes so fast and love is like goodbye it doesn't seem to last
So can we take our time stretch it out anticipate the day we cross the line it will be so worth the wait

I, I, I swear it I, I, I swear it I, I, I swear it
i swear I'll prove it I swear it I, I, I swear it, I swear I'll prove it 97 ways

in the way I kiss your lips
in the way I kiss your face
my hands upon your hips
as we slowly dance in place

in the way I stroke your skin
till ya feel like it's ablaze
soon as we give in I'm gonna prove it 97 ways

We always ask the best
and although I'm sure you're it
it's harder like a test
to chill a little bit

I think of what's to come
holding back I hesitate
and when its finally done
oh it will be so worth the wait

I, I, I swear it I, I, I swear it
I, I, I swear I'll prove it
I swear it I, I, I swear it I, I, I
swear I'll prove it 97 ways

in the way I kiss your lips
in the way I kiss your face
my hands upon your hips
as we slowly dance in place

in the way I stroke your skin
till ya feel like its ablaze
soon as we give in I'm gonna prove it 97 ways

As hard as this is gonna be
for you its gonna be for me
but understand come on and try please

With you I'm not just hooking up
It's something more it's really love
so let me prove to you to me you're special

hey, in the way I kiss your lips
in the way I kiss your face
my hands upon your hips
as we slowly dance in place

oh, in the way I stroke your skin
till ya feel like its ablaze
soon as we give in I'm gonna prove it 97 ways."

By the time he had finished singing I had tears running down my cheeks.

No matter what Felix did, or how far apart we were, I couldn't help it.

I was deeply, passionately, uncontrollably in love with him.



So yeah! Some more happening in that chapter!

I hope you liked it😊

Update will probably come tomorrow or Thursday!

Thanks for all the support!



Love you,

Francesca xx

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