Chapter 1: The Injury

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Chapter 1: The Injury

I walked through to my last class of the day warily, on the lookout for Maddie and Katie. If they catch me, I'm dead.

I'm Emilia. I have chestnut hair, but it's considered as a dull brown by everyone except my mother.

See, yesterday I lured them to a teacher so they couldn't do anything. I'm gonna pay.

Maybe I deserve it.

My walk merged into a jog quickly.

A few minutes later I sink into a wooden chair in the English classroom, gazing round. I don't think they-

Oh man! Two dreaded figures strutted confidently into the room. Maddie and Katie. They smirked knowingly at me before smiling sweetly to the teacher.

"Miss Emilia Haven! Earth to Emilia!" Mr Clarke yelled.

"W-what?" I stuttered loudly.

Mr Clarke just shook his head and carried on with the lesson.

I zoned out until the bell rang an hour later. Finally! The end of the school day! I'd better -

"Oi! Idiot Emilia!"

I heard a shout behind me. That must be Maddie. She came up with that extremely creative nickname for me.

I didn't look back, I just kept on running feverishly.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" That's Katie.

I couldn't run any longer. I stopped, panting for my breath.

Maddie smacked the back of my head and smirked.

"Well," chuckled Katie evilly, "now you have two things to pay for. Ignoring us, and getting us into trouble. You ready Maddie?"

Maddie nodded and swung at my face.

Her fist met her target heavily. My nose cracked.

"Ow!" I cried out in pain.

"SHUT UP!" growled Katie.

I was punched in the stomach twice. My vision blurred.

I heard a laugh and I was kicked harshly. Tears began to flow, but I couldn't make any noise.

Something stamped on my face and I was kicked again on my side.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" someone yelled.

The two scuttled off.

I then felt a hand on my back.

"O-ow..." I mumbled.

"Shhh." the boy whispered.

I tried to reply, but my bison went black. Is this what dying feels like?"


"Will she be okay?" someone asked. His voice sounded familiar. He was the boy!

"I don't know," a female voice answered him, "I've called in her family. She should wake up soon though."

I had to wake up. I can't just leave my little sister and my mom. I can't be like my dad. I won't leave.

Struggling, I say up and groggily opened my eyes.

"H-hello?" I questioned.

Sitting in front of me was a boy about a year older than me. He was wearing a red SnapBack and looked very tired. Had he sat here this whole time?

He leans forward and gazed into my eyes.

"You okay?" he asked worriedly.

I shrugged. I suppose not, but I don't want to worry him more.

He touched my arm. "I'm Felix. Felix Sandman."

I gulped. Is he from The Fooo Conspiracy?

"H-hi. I'm Emilia. But most people call me idiot Emilia. You can call me that if you want."

He gave me a pitying look.

"Hello Emilia. Wait here, I need to get the doctor." Felix dashed off.

Yeah, like I could go anywhere.

A minute later, Felix returned to the room, accompanied by a female doctor.

"Good morning. Emilia. How are you feeling?"

"Not too good." I replied. "How long have I been in here?"

"Three days." answered the doctor.

"Three days?!" I exclaimed. "I need to get home, my mom, my sister, I have to make sue they're okay!"

The doctor chuckled . "Honey, you won't be able to go home for a week. Your mother and sister are fine, but they can't afford to visit you. Is it alright to leave you with the young man?"

I nodded hesitantly. Could I trust him?

Felix looked at me searchingly.

"Well, Emilia. Tell me about yourself."

I shook my head and turned away, tears springing to my eyes.

"Hey," Felix comforted me, "it's okay. Would you feel better if there were more people in the room?"

What does he mean? Oh well. Couldn't make things any worse than they already are.

"I guess." I replied quietly.

Felix got out his phone and called someone.

"Oscar? Yeah, it's Felix. I'm at the hospital. Can you get OG and Omar? I need your help with something."

Felix shut his phone and turned back to me.

"Emilia, come on. At least tell me about your family."

How ironic. The worst thing he could've asked. May as well tell him. He won't care anyway.

"Well, my dad l-left my mom when I was three. It was my fault, so I've been told by the people at school. I'm just a disappointment. I live with my younger sister Sierra and my mom. My life is a mess." I hiccupped, tears falling every few words.

Felix smiled softly at me. "It's okay, Emilia. It wasn't your fault. It really wasn't. Trust me."

He's lying. "No, you don't get it. It was my fault! It must've been. Everything is." I muttered.

Felix took my hand. "But now, you've got me." he grinned reassuringly.

I smiled through my teeth.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Probably his friends.

Felix opened the door to reveal three boys. Two with blonde hair, and one with blackish hair.

One of the blonde ones gasped. "What happened?"

In a low voice, Felix explained what happened, and told them by backstory.

"I'm Omar." the blackish haired one says.

"I'm Oscar."

"I'm OG."

Oscar sat on my bed.

"Hey. You okay?"

I decided to make a joke. "Pssshhh, yeah I'm- DO I LOOK OKAY?!"

Oscar laughed. "I had that coming. What do you do for fun?"

I gazed at my hands, twisting them around.

OG spoke. "You can tell us you know."

Omar patted my shoulder. "Trust me, Emilia, you can't be any weirder than me."

I giggled. "I really like to dance. Except I don't really have a studio, so I just do it anywhere."

Omar high fived me, Oscar smiled and OG laughed at Omar.

Felix doesn't do anything.

"Guys, can you give us a minute." he said quietly.

Oscar shot him a warning look, and ushered Omar and OG out the room.

"Felix. What's wrong?"

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