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(Already as in five months, yes)

Also I totally forgot Cora's ankle was broken so let's just pretend it's healed :) (sorry 😭)

Cora's pov:

I honestly cannot believe Kelley wanted to adopt me. Like I was already so grateful for everything that she's done for me these past few days, but that was honestly crazy.

Anyways, we're currently in the hotel, mentally preparing ourselves for tomorrow.

After I woke up, Kelley was able to schedule a court session (I have no idea how it works but we're just gonna roll with it) for tomorrow, and I am beyond scared. What if it doesn't go well? I'll go to a foster home, and be separated from my brother forever? Thoughts like those kept racing through my mind throughout the day.

I guess Kelley noticed my anxiousness, because she announced, "Hey, Cory. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous for tomorrow." I replied.

"A little? Your hands are shaking." She noted, placing her hands on mine in a comforting way.

My nerves almost instantly disappeared.

This is what I love about Kelley. She can calm me down as easily as Will Ferrell makes you laugh.

I gave her a sweet smile.

She cooed at my cuteness, even though I was literally a teenager.

"Don't sweat it, okay? You're gonna be fine, it's gonna go well, just tell the truth. Whatever you want to say, say. I'm gonna take you home tomorrow. You will be okay." She reassured me, pulling my head into her.

"How can I not though? What if it doesn't go well? What if the judge doesn't think you're good enough? Kelley I can't go to a foster home. I just can't. I would rather be with my abusive ass parents than split up from Kie. I can't leave him." I cried into her chest.

"I know love, and you're not. Both courts will go just fine. Don't think all of those thoughts, you're beating yourself up for something you can't control."

After a minute of comforting silence, Kelley offered to take me, Kieran, and Tobin out to dinner. Of course I said yes, so I rallied and got myself ready in just 5 minutes.

"Ready?" She asked, standing by the door.


We walked to the room on our right, being Tobin and Kie's room.

I happily knocked on the door, even happier to see Kieran open the door.

Without thinking, I jumped into his arms, making him fall over.

Kelley laughed at us on the ground as Tobin came around the corner, wondering what was happening.

I didn't let go of Kieran justttt yet.

"Oh. Hey guys. What's up?" Tobin asked, probably confused as why I was on top of my brother and Kelley's face turning red from laughing so hard.

"The sky." I announced.

Kieran slapped my arm, then pushed me off of him.

I laid on my back as Kelley asked if they wanted to go out for dinner.

Thankfully, they agreed.

I didn't get up off the floor until Tobin picked me up, placing me on my feet.

"Thanks!" I grinned.

She laughed and said a soft, "You're welcome."

We all left to go to Kelley's rented car.

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